Submitted by AutoModerator t3_121g1wb in books
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milly_toons t1_jdmiar5 wrote
I have a question about the latest UK edition of Through a Window by Jane Goodall. For context, I own both the latest UK edition (1999, published by Orion/Weidenfeld & Nicolson) and US edition (2010, published by Houghton Mifflin) of its prequel In the Shadow of Man and noticed that they contain completely different introductions/forewards by different people, including Dr Goodall herself (UK: Stephen Jay Gould and David Hamburg, but US: Richard Wrangham).
Now I see that the US edition (2010, published by Houghton Mifflin) of Through a Window contains a new preface and afterward by Dr Goodall herself, and nothing by others. I am unable to find an online preview of the latest UK edition (2020, published by Orion/Weidenfeld & Nicolson) of Through the Window. Can anyone who owns this specific 2020 UK edition please let me know who the introduction/foreword/afterword sections are written by and when they are dated? (This UK edition is not available for me to browse at any library/bookstore near me in the US.) Thank you!