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lakevalerie t1_jdzthyt wrote

When I was maybe 12 I read all the Little House on the Prairie books and had a complete meltdown when I finished


robotatomica t1_je1x9kk wrote

I found an old journal from when I was 10 and every few entries I go TO PIECES bc I finished a book that I really loved. Like, mourning it like a lost loved one, hand-copying the whole last several pages, vowing to cherish the boom forever, and just absolutely despondent lol.

I do still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach and chest when I finish a great book or movie - sometimes it makes me hold off finishing a tv series.


anachronic t1_je2httq wrote

I felt that way after I finished Game Of Thrones, and also the Otherland series by Tad Williams.

After you get sucked into thousands of pages of immersive storyline, it's hard when it's over :(


CptPope t1_je3ovpz wrote

But we still have two books to go in ASOIAF (assuming George ever finishes it)


SeaAnything8 t1_je8lpf0 wrote

My first book hangover was from The Series of Unfortunate Events. I didn’t want it to end.