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swiftlyemo t1_jegpkcw wrote

-Nerve by Jeanne Ryan (also a movie with Dave Franco and Emma Roberts)

It’s about this anonymous online game to win money where you have to complete dares. She has a partner for it. But the dares keep getting more and more dangerous. And they have to decide how much they’re willing to risk their lives for the prize.

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti

This girl, Lizzie, decides to look into the case of a popular girl that went missing in her town. Everyone thinks the boyfriend did it. But she gets a job at the place the girl worked at, befriends the boyfriend etc. it’s a coming of age story.

-What Kind of Girl by Alyssa Sheinmel

It’s about a girl in high school and her boyfriend hits her. She tells her principal about it and it basically follows the aftermath of everyone at school finding out. The people who believe her, the people who don’t, what the school and the town do and don’t do with the situation.

Those are the ones that came to mind. I don’t know if they’re at all what you’re interested in. I haven’t been reading YA too much lately but I tried haha