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thisizmypornburner t1_iu3pq41 wrote

Might as well ask why there’s so many terrible wines with Beautiful labels or so many bad restaurants with beautiful names and aesthetics

It’s marketing. It’s specifically created to pull you in regardless of the quality of content inside

Never judge a book by its cover is really apt here


lucia-pacciola t1_iu4fq9m wrote

> Might as well ask why there’s so many terrible wines with Beautiful labels

I would be living a life of wonder and magic every day if wines tasted like their labels look.


thisizmypornburner t1_iu4fwks wrote

For real labels make me real ass suspicious now.

I’m like you’re too pretty someone put way too much time into this marketing. And then I get worried. If you taste good then why did someone pour this much time in the marketing you?


series_hybrid t1_iu5175z wrote

An illustration art student would do well to study wine labels. A lot of money is spent on very good artists to create those.

Publishers do put some resources into book covers, but I'd wager that wine labels outdo them.