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t1_iujcmyt wrote



t1_iuk5466 wrote

I’d argue not. It’s still very successful and every new book generates expectation. But it’s a grownup story, whereas HP was targeted to children and became popular with adults too. When a new book was coming it was incredible the expectation that generated. Not even the last trilogy of Star Wars moved the masses like that. The HP books were sold out within hours - all the parodies about people spending the night queuing at the door of an Apple Store … that’s how it was outside libraries when the next HP was coming out.


t1_iuk6li7 wrote

I complete agree with all your comments fyi! It’s more than just HP being popular. HP was a PHENOMENON! It got EVERYBODY reading. Kids and adults alike. It was huge. Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, anything else listed . . . Where is it’s theme parks? Broadway shows? Multi-series movies? Events? Name one of those things that hits ALL OF THESE.

That’s Harry Potter.