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heroicgamer44 OP t1_it71qot wrote

It's most likely OCD. I have many disorders any OCD is one of them.

Thanks for the support. I've been struggling with reading related issues for around 3 years now


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_it72kxf wrote

I can’t really read anymore either, due to brain fog/fatigue in my case. I also struggle with ocd, though it does not impact my reading directly. Is the therapist you are seeing an ocd specialist who practices ERP? Most therapists do not understand ocd very well and are usually little help and sometimes make it worse. Someone who specializes in OCD and who practices ERP is essential if OCD is one of your major issues.


heroicgamer44 OP t1_it73525 wrote

It's only my second session with her and I'm not completely sure on her specializations


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_it745xr wrote

Ok no worries. Even if she doesn’t specialize in that she can maybe help you with other things. I hope she does.

How educated are you about ocd and exposure and response prevention (ERP)? The first step towards breaking the cycle is having a good understanding of it and knowing what to do (and what not to do) to get better. I’m sorry if I am giving too much advice and feel free to disregard, but I know firsthand that persistent application of ERP principles can make an enormous difference in ocd symptoms. It can get better! ERP is the only evidence based treatment for OCD and if applied consistently is virtually guaranteed to reduce the severity of the condition. I would recommend doing some reading on it if it is not already something you are well versed in.


heroicgamer44 OP t1_it74rb5 wrote

I have read up on ocd but I didn’t think it was such a major issue until recently


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_it757e6 wrote

Ya it can be very insidious and have major impacts on our thinking and behaviour without us even realizing it. It also tends to be fairly Comorbid with tic disorders.


heroicgamer44 OP t1_it75pcu wrote

I’ve heard that. I basically have all of the Comprbidies for tics: ADHD, autism, ocd, stress, anxiety


Timely-Huckleberry73 t1_it76fwo wrote

Sounds rough, I feel for you. I hope your therapist is of help. If you ever need advice with regards to the ocd, feel free to message me. There are also some knowledgeable people at the r/ocd who might be able to offer advice and support if you find yourself in need of it.