Submitted by Sleepy_Like_Me t3_yhvd60 in books

I have been wanting to buy books since I got back into reading. If there’s something I’m only mildly curious in reading then I’ll get it from the library, but for fantasy series and certain nonfiction books I want to buy them. Even tho I have no idea if I’ll read them again. Anyone else feel this way? It’s just satisfying to me to be able to build my own little library and see the books I’ve read collect in my shelves.



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KaleidoStory t1_iufvasn wrote

I feel the same (and I have really easy access to a public library). I like having my own collection (it also means I can read them when I want to and keep them in the condition I prefer).


sbailey72 t1_iufvvyn wrote

I’m the opposite. I have a very small collection of books I want to own, but I read ebooks and audiobooks constantly. Having to donate and gift all the books I read would give me anxiety. It’s the library for me.


luv2swim18 t1_iufx6dq wrote

I buy most of my books for cheap through used book websites (mostly Thriftbooks), but I'll get some from the library. I mostly get the movies that accompany books from the library though.


hurricanetrash t1_iufxn99 wrote

I ended up buying more books during the pandemic and I would have much rather read some of those from the library instead. Way less commitment if the book ends up mediocre/straight up bad.


ItsMeTord t1_iufxzhg wrote

I have a book stack at high as me (5 foot 7 inches) and I read them pretty often. I thought I wouldn't read The Black Sheep time and time again but here I am. Chapter 5 once again. Buy the books.


Dalton387 t1_iufxzm1 wrote

I buy almost all my books. I like to re-read and it’s worth it to me, to have my books available at my fingertips at anytime. I got as tired of waiting on books to be available and having a timer to read them as I did asking my parents for a ride when younger and having them tell me no.

I became even more hard core on that when I went to kindle. I can have them all at my fingertips in so I can read on multiple devices and I can get them cheap, get them on audio cheaply for re-reads, and between sales and get real cheapness, I can take chances on series I never would have before. I’ve discovered and loved some series I wouldn’t have tried either because of price/interest or because of shelf space.


zumera t1_iufy3ri wrote

I purchase almost all the books that I read or wish to read. Primarily because we could never afford to buy chapter books when I was a child and it’s a great joy to me now to be able to own books. But also because I wish to directly support authors and editors and all the folks who work on books. Every year or so I’ll clear out books I’ve read and donate them or sell them.

I used libraries so much more frequently as a child. I vividly remember trips with my mom and coming back with piles and piles of books. There was just so much more time to read! Nowadays I’ll check out audiobooks or, if I’ve purchased the audiobook, I’ll check out the print copy for those moments when I want to switch to reading.


Sleepy_Like_Me OP t1_iufy5is wrote

I would be interested in a kindle but it’s just not the same for me, holding a book is much more satisfying. But sometimes I will download pdfs of books and that works well


throwaway-clonewars t1_iufyee8 wrote

I'm a collector type reader.

I have a huge personal library of thrifted books, but for specific series as of the moment I know the only way to read them is to check them from the library (looking at you star wars) as I usually dont want to buy them new unless I can get a discount and specific titles I've never seen in person or online in physical form.

I got spoiled on bag sales where I could get upwards of 20+ books tetrised into a bag and only pay $5 for it. I got nearly 300 if I remember correctly before they ended it for my area.

That being said I have so many that I've also concluded that I'll never read them all if I just read the physical, so I've had to start checking out audiobooks for the ones I want to read but aren't too invested in or high priority for paying attention. I've never really done audiobooks outside of when my classes would have them playing and we'd read along, so it's a minor adjustment.

I'll probably end up with a split of having read library checkouts and read frim my collection, while still owning all the physical copies (like the Maze Runner series. I'm listening on audio, but I have the physical books I'm annotating with little colored flags)


grodj t1_iufylbf wrote

I do both, but I buy way more books than I rent from the library. I love the idea of having my own library in the house.


bibliophile222 t1_iufz6fr wrote

I buy books for mad cheap at library book sales. Best of both worlds! About 60% of my reading material lately has been through library sales.


busselsofkiwis t1_iufz7nb wrote

I, shamefully, have been consuming books digitally. I've reach the point where I'm out of shelf space for my books and moving have been a pain. I have reserve my shelf space for graphic novels, art and reference books, and favorites.

I've been using the "borrow" function for prime reading. The selection is wide enough fir me try something out of my comfort zone.


[deleted] t1_iufzf4k wrote

I just buy and if I could do it all over it again I would only buy one at a time. Instead I now have a whole shelf of partially read books!


LittleDollGames t1_iufzhch wrote

I would say that I definitely use the library a lot. Of the books that I have read this year about 70% of them have come from the library. It is honestly done out of both convenience and a desire to save money. I listen to a lot of audiobooks and I do not have the kind of money to buy that many of them.

I do also have some light rules for myself in regard to buying books.

- The first thing I take into consideration is theater or not the library is likely to get the book, for example, if it is a manga or light novel series then I will likey buy it myself because it is not something the library would normally get.

- Second I consider if it was a book I really really liked. I usually buy my favorite books after reading them so that they can be added to my collection. When I do this I will often try to find it second-hand first. I love buying books from pangobooks because of how cheap the books can be.

These aren't steadfast rules because I do love a good birthday book-buying spree at Barnes and Noble but it does help keep my collection manageable.


Dalton387 t1_iufziyk wrote

You should think of giving it a try. The base models are very cheap. I like the paper white with no ads myself.

I agree that there is nostalgia tied up in books. I like the smell of a used book store. I like holding a book.

There are tons of pros to them as well, though, besides the ones I mentioned. It’s not an issue for me, but my dad uses my old ones to read my books and he can change the font size to something he can see without glasses. The back lighting makes it look perfectly lit, like a page in good lighting, so no more getting sore on one side and not being able to turn over due to poor lighting.

There is also no hand cramps from holding tomes open for hours. I take care of my kindle, but I don’t have to be precious and watch for potential spills or wash my hands so I don’t mess up the pages if something got on them.

I don’t have to take multiple books on vacation, in case I finished one. I don’t have to wait for a new book to come in stock or ship to me. If something happens to the kindle, I can buy a new one and download everything back. I can buy a book on a whim and have instant access. It makes flash cards when you look up a word you don’t know. You can pull out your phone and read when your sitting and waiting somewhere. You can read on a browser at work (only when you’re on break, though 😉).

I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting, but those are some good reasons to give it a try. There are a couple of emails you can sign up for that alert you to sales. I’ve gotten entire series a book or two at a time through sales like that for $0.99-2.99/book, before I ever started reading them.

I’ve rebought a lot of my favorite series for re-reading purposes. You should think about trying the cheap one. If you like it, get a better one. I don’t think the high priced one is worth it. Voyager maybe?


bansheeofthemanor t1_iufzj7l wrote

i usually purchase books that i seem interested in from the little blurb on the back, depending on the price point. or i’ll get it from the library. if i like the book after i’ve read it from the library then i’ll go out of my way to buy it and re read it a couple months later so it’s almost like i’m “re-reading” it!


Mtnskydancer t1_iufzqga wrote

I’ve started test driving the books via library, and anything reread or reference worthy can get a spot on my shelf, preferably off a used bookstore’s shelf.


StaffPsychological56 t1_iufzyup wrote

I rarely if ever buy books. Library all the way. I live in a very small house and don't have the desire to hold on to many books.


Uncle_Charnia t1_iug03r7 wrote

It was 60% library and 40% bookstore till the bookstore closed. I would look up the book I wanted, then ask the bookstore to order it. Not enough people did that. It was the jewel of the neighborhood.


minimalist_coach t1_iug060d wrote

I used to collect books, but I purged them when we moved a few years ago. I almost exclusively use the library.

I know a lot of people like to own books, so own as many as makes you happy. If they ever start to feel like a looming TBR pile, then consider why you want to own them. I highly encourage people to set a limit as they start to collect books. The limit may be a number of books, a budget amount, or a specific space you don't want to outgrow. Too often people enjoy collecting but it becomes overwhelming, then there can be guilt over the amount of money invested in books not read or it starts to feel like an overwhelming to do list.


zitella_707 t1_iug0i2t wrote

I tend to use the library. For books I know I’ll fall in love with or books I fell in love with I buy them. If I know I’ll read them over and over or they made an impact in my life I like to have them. :)


syden666 t1_iug0nzt wrote

I do both! I have my own library and then if I’m unsure if I’ll love a book, I utilize the library. I also am in a couple of swap/sell groups online so I can get books I want for cheaper or by swapping a book I own that I didn’t love.

I also do BOTM which has been fun because I get a hardback book for like $17!

Personally I don’t like ebooks, I have ADHD so I feel like I have a hard time focusing with ebooks?? Not sure if that makes sense, but a physical book makes it easier to double check what I’ve read. Or when reading a thriller, I like to go back and see a clue I may have missed.


Unlucky-Horror-9871 t1_iug0rga wrote

I can’t buy books… I’d be drowning in books if I did. And I almost never reread anyway.


Twiggimmapig t1_iug17qx wrote

It really depends; I will read anything that comes my way from whatever source (bookstore, library, a friend's house etc.) And if I greatly enjoyed it, I'll buy it. With series I only purchase the 1st book if it's good and borrow the rest.


teridactyl99 t1_iug1brv wrote

I tend to get most of my books from the library. I prefer audiobooks so I’ll occasionally buy books from audible if I can’t get what I’m looking for from the library.


SeaDisplay9605 t1_iug2kqp wrote

I use the library first and keep a “to buy” list of the ones I love and buy them later to add to my home library.


MrsLucienLachance t1_iug2x9v wrote

For me buying books sometimes feels like its own hobby, separate from reading them. I buy a lot of books. Looking at my shelves makes me happy.


rsshadows t1_iug3rca wrote

I almost always check them out from the library digitally. I take a pic of anything I see out and about that looks good and then check it out from the library. I purchase books that I know I will want to reread sometimes, or if something I want has a super long wait time or isn't available, but I read too many books to buy them all!


alcibiad t1_iug49gc wrote

I usually only buy a book when I decide I want to read it a second time 😅 Unfortunately that means I miss out on the hardback and have an increasing paperback collection.


applebyarrows t1_iug4c9r wrote

A good 80% of my books I get used, the other 20% are either series I’ve committed to, books I have very high hopes for, by authors I like, etc.

I’m a big Stephen King fan and I know I’m bound to find a decent sized amount of his books at most used bookstores, hence the majority of my King collection ends up being used.

When I know I’m not going to touch a certain book again, and I can’t find any purpose for having it on my shelf (I don’t have a huge amount of shelf space, so building up a big collection doesn’t appeal to me), I end up sticking it in a little free library or selling at a used bookstore, (you can often get a decent amount of credit as well, and the cycle continues)


InfluenceTrue4121 t1_iug4z1a wrote

I love books. I love smelling them, looking at them and collecting them.


not_a_droid t1_iug5y40 wrote

Library, why keep a book? If you are finished, hand it off


flowerpanes t1_iug62am wrote

I have a huge backlog of at least a hundred never read books accumulated over the past two years (mostly second hand) but am still using the library for both physical and e-books. If an author I especially love comes out with a new book I will buy it but for now, I guard my book horde in the event I am stuck at home for long periods or can’t use my Kindle,etc. Consider me a bit of a book dragon!


dedradawn t1_iug6r1c wrote

I only buy books when I visit small bookstores. The rest, I check out. I'm a librarian, so that makes sense.


siamsaiocht t1_iug6z10 wrote

You can do both, if you really really want to read a certain book, buy it but if not support a library


Rabo_McDongleberry t1_iug7ep1 wrote

I read through the library first. If I really like it then I go purchase it for my collection.


ilikebooksbetter t1_iug7zzw wrote

I am with you. While I do have audiobooks and occasionally will go to the library, I mostly buy all of my books. It's satisfying to own them, share them with my family and friends, organize them (I know I'm a dork), and build my own collection. I love reading AND collecting books 😊


ohhellothere1234567 t1_iug82ks wrote

If there's a book I specifically want to read (author I like, friend recommendation, bookclub etc) I tend to buy it. If I just need something to read (I'm between books, have extra time etc) I go to the library.


Anon_819 t1_iug85zd wrote

There isn't room in my apartment for any more books. I also tend to prefer using an ereader app these days so I try not to buy books at all. Of course, I occasionally get drawn in, but would prefer not to have physical media from both an environmental and space perspective.


mhartmann99 t1_iug8jc6 wrote

I use the library for my kindle, but I also buy physical copies of every book I read that I enjoy.

I never plan to reread most of these (lord of the rings and Dostoevsky are the exceptions), but I want to have a massive collection of books for my kids to read whenever I have them.


Dazzling-Ad4701 t1_iug8w1p wrote

i buy books. i don't get along with libraries at all, and i have real issues with returning things on time. it's best for both sides that we just each go our separate way.


TipYourDishwasher t1_iug8xr0 wrote

I can’t guarantee I’ll finish a book of any length in 21 days. I buy on kindle or used, whichever is cheapest. If I buy a physical book, I generally donate it when I’m finished


GhostMug t1_iug96wv wrote

I've always been a collector so for something I know that I'm gonna want I like to buy my own copy. Additionally, I'm a slow reader as I often end up putting down books for a bit before getting back into them. I can't read a book in a single week like many can. I know I can just check the book out for longer but I often forget.


Gryffin-thor t1_iuga44z wrote

This is the rule I made for myself: if I know and love the author, I can buy. If it’s totally new I have to library it first. Sometimes I cheat though ;3


McNasty1Point0 t1_iuga59l wrote

I buy every book that I’ve read or am going to read. Sometimes new, sometimes used at a much better price.

I love having physical copies of all of the books that I’ve read, and I love building up a little library that I can display, refer back to, read again, lend out, discuss, etc.


CanYouHearMeSatan t1_iugc6j5 wrote

Library - no point in spending money if I don’t have to!


will1874 t1_iugcisk wrote

When I was in high school, I bought my books secondhand, now that I'm in college I use the hell out of the public library. Trying to transport all of my books is just a paint atm. But personally if I had the option id still buy them because I hate having to remember to return them.


echindod t1_iugeqin wrote

I have been wanting to read more comic books lately. But the re-read-ability for a comic book is kinda low for me...mostly, and they are kind of expensive. I would much rather check them out from the library, but i have trouble finding them at the library.


Acrobatic-Job5702 t1_iugfpd5 wrote

I don’t buy any books at all. I read literally everyday and have maybe 15 books in my house. I can’t imagine how much money I’d spend if libraries didn’t exist.


HairyBaIIs007 t1_iugfrr4 wrote

I tend to find books from Goodwills or thrift stores for cheap so it just pays to buy them over have to go out of my way for the library.


deliriousgoomba t1_iugfyuk wrote


Read library books. If you love them, buy them.


TotallyNotABot369 t1_iugg4yz wrote

Definitely the library. I have a couple kids and am there at least once a week for activities.


Chipjack t1_iuggaxn wrote

I usually go with the third option, but Rule 6 doesn't let us discuss that here.


ObscureMemes69420 t1_iuggb5e wrote

I buy my books for the most part but I only buy used and from organizations like BetterWorldBooks that resell former library books for charity


Glum-Bunt2091 t1_iuggmdq wrote

All library; If I find something I fall in love with them I buy it for myself.


nthing2dowithanythng t1_iuggqcf wrote

Libby app: connects to my library card and I can read or listen to any audiobook I want. I allow myself one bookshelf so if I buy a new book at this point then another one has to go


C9_Tilted t1_iuggust wrote

Neither, I pirate all my books. I don't believe in buying any form of literature so I try to find any and all types of books online.


Gorozorro t1_iugh2yi wrote

I love libraries. As a twenty year old with an incredibly scarce income libraries are a lifeline.


PopsiclesForChickens t1_iughub9 wrote

Probably 90-95% library here. Unless it's a religious book the library doesn't have or I really feel strongly about supporting the author. Or it's a book I want to read more than once.


Dying4aCure t1_iugie37 wrote

I have only bought one book in 3 years, and only because it was my friends. I read quite a bit. Over 250 books this year ( it’s a record for me). What I do instead is donate to libraries. I also offer suggestions if there’s a book I’d like they don’t have. I have only a few times not been able to find the book I wanted. I have 5 library cards all used with Libby. I have, but not used, Overdrive as well. BTW I’m terminally I’ll, so I have a LOT of time to read. ♥️


danielspaniel63 t1_iugiszo wrote

Primarily I use the library. I love to own/ collect books but we are trying to live simply and like the idea of shared resources. I feel bad about not doing a better job of supporting authors more directly. I am fortunate to have convenient access to an excellent County Library.


danielspaniel63 t1_iugitfb wrote

Primarily I use the library. I love to own/ collect books but we are trying to live simply and like the idea of shared resources. I feel bad about not doing a better job of supporting authors more directly. I am fortunate to have convenient access to an excellent County Library.


SuaveTowel t1_iugizb5 wrote

I’m a slight germaphobe and I read in bed. Just got back into reading and would like to use the library, but I get a little paranoid about how dirty library books might be. Do they get cleaned? Lol


Z3ROGR4V1TY t1_iugj5np wrote

I love buying books, but having too many books overwhelms me. I’ll buy books (mostly used, rarely new), read and enjoy them, and then stick them in a free little library box in my city. I mainly use my library for audiobooks.


danielspaniel63 t1_iugjdms wrote

Does your library offer an Interlibrary loan program? I am in Minnesota and can search the entire state’s library resources for a specific book and request it to be shipped to “My” library for pick up.


sept_douleurs t1_iugk4zf wrote

I used to mostly buy books since I’m a big time re-reader but at this point I use the library more. I don’t really have any shelf space left or really any space for more shelves and I work at a library now so it’s very convenient to check out books since I’m always gonna be there anyway.


ps00093 t1_iugk7yb wrote

I buy my books but get into the habit of buying more than I can read in a given time period. Books were the way for me to end my relationship with weed and being lonely. I guess I'm still struggling a bit but I'm glad my budget is going toward something that is better for my health.


69vuman t1_iugkahx wrote

I’m avid reader and have read most of my life. I began reading James Bond books in HS in 1963..Her Majesty’s Secret Service, at age 14. Now 75 yo, I switched to a gen 2 Kindle abt 10 years ago. Ran out of memory, switched to a Kindle Fire abt 4 years ago. I find that the Kindle is easier to deal with, transport, and I prolly have 500 books on it. I have a dictionary on it so I can learn new words and British slang. I can get my emails on it as well. I get my books from Amazon, and they know my reading habits, so they email book summaries that I might like. So after my formal retirement in 2012, I began reading even more. This is not specifically a plug for Kindle or Amazon. But for me it’s worth it to preorder books, lot having to wait on library list for new releases. Now my wife reads as much as I do, probably more, but she wants, needs, to hold a book in her hand. Good luck….and keep reading.


GothPenguin t1_iugl3hv wrote

I read anything that interests me from the library and decide from there if I want to buy my own copy.


unsuresignofnewname t1_iuglmzg wrote

I like those neighborhood little free libraries. I’ve found some real gems there I otherwise wouldn’t have stumbled across and it’s fun paying it forward.


deadly_titanfart t1_iuglw6c wrote

Im 100% digital, so if I can find them at a library (or libraries) digitally then I will. If not then I will buy,


Remarkable-Code-3237 t1_iugmvmt wrote

I use a tablet and Libby for my books. I do not have to drive to the library. If I ever want reread a book, I just have to check it out again. Then the money to buy books, read it and then donate it. If I keep it, then I have to store something I may never pick up again.

I did buy books for my children. I did store them. When they had kids, I gave the books to them.


paranoid_70 t1_iugncro wrote

I love checking out the books from the library, mostly because I'm a cheap bastard. Also it gives me incentive to finish them quickly by the due date.


irrational-basis t1_iugnnph wrote

I love having books in my home, and I enjoy the library home decorating aesthetic, so I like to buy books. But, I don’t always buy, and periodically I will let go of books that I’m not loving anymore.


pandachef_reads t1_iugo55p wrote

There are some instances where I do like to own a physical copy of a book/series, but for the most part I have a lot more audiobooks and e-books than anything


HolidayPotential6980 t1_iugq530 wrote

I bought a LOT of books in 2020/2021 - likely read a book or more a week. Realized this was a great healthy hobby so I started using the library - going 2-3 times a week. 2022 I bought a kobo specifically to use the Libby app. I'm in love with it. Punishing a book every few days - I adore the kobo. I will still order Reece book club for purchase if they look good. Love getting it and passing it along.


FastLane_987 t1_iugq8jw wrote

I prefer the library. I find that when I buy books I just keep putting them off because I know I don’t have a deadline to have it read by. With library books I feel more pressure so I start reading them when I would otherwise feel too lazy too and then find myself enjoying them.

That being said I do still buy books but they just sit on my shelf half the time


violetmemphisblue t1_iugq91d wrote

I work at a public library, so I use it literally daily. But I also buy books regularly. I try to buy from indie stores when I travel, as my souvenir, and I have a local indie that I order books from when I particularly want to support an author. Sometimes I order if the library doesn't get something and I don't want to wait for the interlibrary loan period (our ILL usually doesn't work with brand new books, and there is a standard 6 months wait). I also love used book stores. Finding long-forgotten treasures on dusty shelves is the yeah. I do both (and also borrow from friends or use the Little Free Library boxes or peruse the swap shelf at the coffee shop). I just want books everywhere, lol


Biotic_Factor t1_iugrf2v wrote

I'm super averse to owning a lot of stuff, mainly because I have been relatively nomadic in my adult years.

Because of this I don't like hanging on to things that don't have recurring use value. For me I hate the idea of owning a bunch of books that I will never read again. If I am going to own a book for a long period it would have to be something that holds value either in use (i.e a reference book that I will use over and over and over again such as a Sibley Bird Guide), have sentimental value which is greater than the memory itself, or is something that is rare (signed copy, but I only have one of these at the moment and I'm thinking of selling or gifting it).

For this reason I don't buy new books. I do however buy cheaper used books, but with rules:

  1. I have to read them within the same year
  2. Once read, I donate them to a little library
  3. I can't buy more used books until there are spaces on my shelf for them (which limits the number of books I have at once). My shelf capacity is about 25 books.

The vast majority of the books I read (probably 80% or more) I borrow from the public library or my University library.


Hahnter t1_iugrno2 wrote

I was the same way, but after moving abroad, it's not viable for me to constantly buy books. I live in Japan and getting English books at a library is pretty much nonexistent. I started to use a kindle and it's just so much more convenient to have a bunch of books in one place that I can carry in my backpack wherever I go.

I still occasionally buy physical books for things I know I want to collect (such as Star Wars).


Same-World-209 t1_iugrqtd wrote

I’ve been using the library a lot recently because it’s far too expensive to buy new English books in Japan…or they’re almost impossible to find at second hand bookshops.

For authors I like I’ll tend it buy them if I can. Other I’ll use the library if I can.

I’m not a collector so my books will most likely get sold eventually anyway.


Same-World-209 t1_iugrwdu wrote

I never reread books so there’s no real need for me to keep them. I keep the authors/books I like if I can (I don’t really have the space in my apartment in Japan) but the other ones I get rid as soon as I can.


rayin t1_iugt38y wrote

Exactly this. I forgot how expensive books could be, even used, so I frequent the library way more. I always purchase used and only purchase books I’ve read and liked.


SheepskinCrybaby t1_iugt5nl wrote

I’ve moved a few times in the last year and it’s a big “stick to the library” for me! I love all my books but moving around with them and all my other possessions makes me want to downsize.

But for people who want/can keep a growing library, it’s a great hobby to build up towards!

The library I belong to does a great big county co-operatives with the other libraries in our area, so there’s not usually something I can’t find. If I really like it after I’ve read it, then I might buy it.

I’ll definitely buy books that are more like coffee table/cookbooks/etc because you tend to want to re-look at/use them over time. Field guide books, some comic strips, etc


Ahollowbullet-yet t1_iugv7mb wrote

I disagree, because I've spent so much money in the past on mediocre books and it wasn't fun. I feel like everything nice in this world costs money, libraries are the only thing that is free/almost free. Why not take advantage? I get why people buy a lot of books, it feels nice to own things. I think it's just not worth it. I buy books I've already read and know I love.


Notorius_2007 t1_iugvunr wrote

I am using library a lot when I dont know what to read next. There are hundreads of books and if something interests me, I read it. However if some of those books really gets me into reading and I start to adore it, better if its book series, I start buying them. It is such satisfaction seeing my library grow and seeing the old titles that I wont forget, luckily my kids will read them. It is maybe just sentimentality, but I love to buy series of books. Some of them even read again, but most of them are just nice for look. And whenever I look at then, I remember the great stories and they make smile on my face :)


Logical_Trip_3944 t1_iugwyc5 wrote

I have a medical memory issue so if I book gose back to the library I’ll never know I read it so personally if I read it book it has to be bought. Just so I can remember the stories and the joy by seeing it. Plus owning the books is good for me because I forget the books after some time and can read them again. And I’ll forget if there’s a book I wanted to pick up if I don’t own it.


Kamirose t1_iugykog wrote

There’s nothing “shameful” about ebooks. There’s plenty of room for both in the world.

I read the vast majority of my books as library ebooks. If I love it, I’ll then buy a physical copy for my shelf. That way I don’t waste my money and limited shelf space on a mediocre book that I dislike.


Wurunzimu t1_iugzc53 wrote

I do both. It's not like you have to choose only one, unless you want to of course. I buy books I can't get from my library (where I also work so I know it rather well) and books I really want to own. The rest - library.


Outcast_Mundane0724 t1_iugznt0 wrote

If I fall head over heels or just been really been waiting to read it, then I will buy it. Other than that I will borrow it from the library.


joedotphp t1_iuh4m9r wrote

I like buying because it helps the author. Any book I know for certain I will never read again gets donated.


CinnamonRose55 t1_iuh5gq6 wrote

I rarely buy books. I have my favorites and some that I bought on impulse, but otherwise I'm fine with just borrowing them from the library, though that's partly because I don't have lots of place & money is a little tight for constantly buying.


Sans_Junior t1_iuh7dkf wrote

Since I always have a book I am reading, I prefer to buy my books rather that get them from the library. Two reasons. One, I am proud of my own library and love decorating the shelves with knickknacks to compliment the books. Two, with my ADHD, I tend to stumble across a title that interests me, but cannot get to reading until my latest book hyperfixation is satisfied. (I have a huge TBR pile lol!)


kace91 t1_iuha5er wrote

For me owning books is a nuisance. I love reading actual books (as oppose to digital) but I rarely revisit one after I'm done, so they just become a waste of space.

My issue is that I'm from Spain and I prefer to read in English (unless the book was written in Spanish obviously). The consequence is that most libraries barely have any content I'd be interested in, AND I also have a tough time trying to resell because people are rarely interested.

I really need to find an expat-focused reading club or something...


Own-Woriness3600 t1_iuhapg0 wrote

I usually use libraries and buy books only if I want to have them in my collection. The main problem is that sometimes libraries don't have the book I need and in such case I buy digital version of it.


denvertebows15 t1_iuhbou1 wrote

If there's a book that I'm interested in I will usually just get it from the library. If I really enjoyed it and I'll want to read it again then I'll buy a copy for my own collection. This has saved me a couple times from wasting money on books I didn't end up liking.


travelnman85 t1_iuhfjul wrote

I buy most of mine. I am dyslexic and have a hard to impossible time finishing a book before I have to return it to a library.


NiceDetective t1_iuhltnq wrote

Both, but mostly buy books (of purchased books, I’d say roughly 50/50 new vs used). My library seems to have a very limited selection of newer titles so I’ll buy newer physical books and borrow available ebooks from my library. Saves a trip to the library and I have a nice waitlist of books shaping up


jcmedia918 t1_iuhmo62 wrote

My wife and I mainly use the library. I only buy new if it’s a book I feel like I’ll revisit or I know friends or family may want to borrow. If I see a book at garage sale or sometimes the library does a book sale I might pick up some just because they’re incredibly cheap.


Icy_Landscaped t1_iuhoel8 wrote

I like to buy them personally, but I buy them used more often then not. I’m pretty particular with my books and have a steady handful of authors I target 90% of the time. The other 10% are books people gifts me or that get recommended. Because I buy them used I’m not worried about the cost, if I don’t end up liking it I’m out very little and maybe my husband will wanna read it or I’ll give it to a girlfriend.


Disastrous_Use_7353 t1_iuhogmv wrote

Use the library. You’ll have save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, plus the due dates give you deadlines. That’s helpful to someone like myself who has a tendency to read very slowly and get hung up on one passage for many minutes. Plus moving a massive physical book collection is no fun. I did it three times before I changed my ways. That’s just my two cents. Do what makes you happy


perpetual__hunger t1_iuhp43b wrote

I get nearly everything from the library. I honestly don't re-read anything. If I absolutely love a book, I might buy it to proudly display on my shelf, but even that's rare because I try to save money.

I've also DNF'd enough books from the library that I know buying everything I want to read would be a huge waste of money. Or they're just okay--worth finishing but didn't amaze me.

As a bonus, I find that the "pressure" of having a set time by which to read a book helped force me back into reading more.


i-should-be-reading t1_iuhqtku wrote

While I do love my public library, a good used bookstore is a game changer. There is no wait list for holds, no due date & fines, and no "oh sorry you live two blocks out of district" just browsing and finding great reads at significantly lowered price than MSRP. Bonus you can sell back books you don't need on your shelf anymore.


forestfaey t1_iuhrcce wrote

Usually if I can't get it from the library and really want to read it, I'll buy it. Usually if its a new release I want to read ASAP or something a little more obscure and is unavailable at my library.

I like collecting books, just don't have the money to buy every book I read. I also ask for books for Christmas and my birthday.


Triple_C_ t1_iuhrxse wrote

I probably have 500 books in my house, but I ran bookstores for over 20 years. Friends hate helping me move. I use audio books a lot, but still buy probably 25 books a year. A lot of them have sentimental value- from signings or special events. I haven't read them all, but I have a great plan of diving in when I'm old. Rocking chair, blanket, fireplace, big stack of books. Probably never happen.


Ineffable7980x t1_iuht1xq wrote

I use both. The library is definitely a place I will go to for a book that I am not sure I will like. The books that I do buy are either Kindle books or used paperbacks. I haven't bought a new hardcover in over a decade.


Brosarioo t1_iuhuoup wrote

Overt the last few years, I've been exclusively getting my books from the library. I'm also lucky enough to have a library card that accesses like 15 libraries in the area. However, if there's a book that really spoke to me, I will buy it and keep it in my collection. Olga Dies Dreaming and Crying in HMart are two recent examples. I used to have hundreds of books, but I donated a larger portion of them because I never picked them up


iamthatguy54 t1_iuhxb5d wrote

I use the library to check out the first couple of books in a series and if I'm feeling it, I buy the set.


opeathrowaway t1_iuhzzc6 wrote

I don’t have a library, so it’s buy the book in whatever format I want if I want to read it. I’ve been thinking about what to do with my books; when I move I’ll often post stacks that I’ve read and won’t return to on social media and give them away or sell them (a dollar or two or if it’s a friend they’ll get me a coffee or some candy I like). Other books I just donate to goodwill or the local shelter/youth center. There are only a few books I’m holding on to because I love them, that I haul with me from home to home.


mcmesq t1_iui2ekp wrote

Both. I absolutely do both.


Wadsworth_McStumpy t1_iui54ok wrote

When I was younger, I had more time than money, so most of my books were from the library. Today, I have more money than time, so I buy most of my books. I also seem to have less time to read them, though.


vivahermione t1_iui7b55 wrote

I use the library most of the time, unless they don't carry the book or I find it on sale for a really good price. There's no way I could afford to buy all the books I read.


sarahcakes613 t1_iui7j67 wrote

I buy books if I am fairly certain I'll enjoy them and use the library for books I'm not as sure about. My only problem there is if I love a library book I'll want to buy my own copy - but then I also have a mental block about spending money on something I've already read! 🤦🏻‍♀️


geminisauce876 t1_iui7v83 wrote

I used to have a huuuge physical book collection, but meeting my minimalist wife and having to move around pushed me to donate most of them (I have pack rat tendencies so this was a big deal for me). I made a list of the books I donated for any future needs (to rebuy, to borrow, etc).

My setup is now this: -I have a list of books I want to buy/rebuy in physical format someday, ideally very nice hardbacks - books I can read and display really nicely. Most of these are series and I have ebook copies of them, so I can read them at any time. -I use the library for a lot, both physical and digital. Some books I borrow and then realize I want my own copy; I might buy the ebook version now, or I'll put it on a list to purchase some time.

Ebooks have really helped conserve space while also allowing me to "hoard" the books I want or need!


geminisauce876 t1_iui8hz2 wrote

Same. We currently don't have a lot of space so I'll often get the ebook and note on a list to purchase certain books as physical copies in the future, when we have more space. I always check the market first, though - some books are out of print so I might want to be on the lookout for them. Or I prefer a certain physical format (I really love the small paperback versions of certain novels from the 60s - 80s, for example).


PashasMom t1_iuiap1u wrote

I'm a librarian, so I gravitate to library books. Also, I am a librarian, therefore I cannot afford to buy all the books I want to read! I only buy books if I can't get them from my local library. Even then I prefer to ask for them as birthday/holiday gifts instead of buying them myself. I need that cash to keep my mortgage paid and the cornflakes on the table.


Negative-Appeal9892 t1_iuiawe8 wrote

I have fairly easy access to a public library, and that's where I get my books from. I just don't have a lot of disposable income right now to buy more books.


KokiriEmerald t1_iuicqwf wrote

Would highly recommend building up your personal library. Even if it's just one little bookshelf of your favorites. Usually what I do is either read the ebook or get a book from the library, and if I'm a fan I go buy a hardcover.


sunrise--parabellum t1_iuifrhy wrote

I've read 137 books so far this year and maybe 30 of those have been books I own, whether I bought them in years past or this year. I love to pick up books at independent bookstores when I'm traveling and also joined BOTM at the beginning of the year so have bought quite a few books this year. There's definitely been books I've bought and hated but also been just as many I've enjoyed that I'll reread or lend out to friends in the future.

The library serves most of my needs but does not always have books I'm looking to read. Also for long books, it's better personally to own a copy so I can read at my own pace rather than need to return it to the library. There's only been a couple books I've checked out at the library that I've gone on to buy later so I can reread.


Matookie t1_iuigmw8 wrote

Not only that, with some places wanting to defund libraries it is important to use them to show what value they are the community. I'm not a librarian but I'd be willing to wager they keep metrics to show usage.


HomeworkInevitable99 t1_iuihzxa wrote

Buy books at charity shops, and give books to them too. It's hit and miss, but i can buy a book for £1.50, so I can try different things.


danjamin905 t1_iuil59c wrote

I use the Library. Then when someone asks what I want for my birthday or Christmas, its usualy a book I've already read.


AliceReadsThis t1_iuimq4p wrote

I use the library a lot but when I buy books I almost always do it at used book sales. It's hit or miss of course but you get some rare finds, some "I've been looking for this" moments and it's amazing how often you find hardcover versions of bestsellers from only a couple years ago that people got rid of. My favorite is to go to the bag sale on the final day, books may have been picked through but I've never not come home with at least one sometimes two or three bags that I packed so tight with 20-30 books in each that they looked like some weird tetris game .........To me the "as many books as you can fit in the bag" rule is like a compliance challenge.


[deleted] t1_iuisk9s wrote

I both go to the library and buy cheap used books. I mostly buy them at flea markets and thrift stores. There is one local bookstore near me. I will buy online, used, if I can't find something anywhere else.


nicolasknight t1_iuiu5e8 wrote

I always start at the library.

It doesn't matter how much I KNOW I will buy any 1 book i will always try to get it there first and read it.

If I like it enough I'll just buy it too before i return it to the library but most times I'll finish it first.

I'm there already and it helps circulation for the library.


KneelThenRise t1_iuiud58 wrote

Part of my process of engaging with the thoughts, ideas, and my observations about characters is pausing to highlight sections, right now down reactions in the margins.

So, it's not compatible with library books, and doesn't work well with kindle reader. Kinda means it's either physical books I can mark up, or kindle on desktop so I can take notes and write down my little giggles, gaffaws, and upsets as I go in the margins.


TimelyEvidence t1_iuiuo17 wrote

Most everything I read I get from the library. I buy copies of books that I really love or can’t find at my library.


destroy_b4_reading t1_iuiv8t6 wrote

Library. The amount of books I read would have my home looking like an episode of Hoarders and my bank account in the negative if I bought them all. And there are still well over 1,000 books in my house.


Chicachikka t1_iuixs59 wrote

But but i really want to use the library more


joejoefashosho t1_iuj1o7s wrote

I usually just use the library. If I really like a book after I've read it I'll buy it so I can lend it to people based on my recommendation, also it can serve as a conversation piece on my bookshelf. Sometimes I'll pick up clearance books at half price that I haven't read, but I generally don't like to spend money on things that I can get for free.


arcoiris2 t1_iuj8s5w wrote

I mostly use the library. I usually raid my husband's or son's stash if I can't get to the library, or if the book is incessantly checked out. I am also considering buying my own copy of Don Quixote, due to the fact that it is only available online and the library only allows you 2 weeks to finish it, and I think I will need 3 or 4 weeks to do so.


Similar_Molasses7440 t1_iuja1h5 wrote

I have a mix of Kindle books, library books and books I own. I am slowly on my way to my own little library!


anotherrroom t1_iuja2u3 wrote

Buy books you know you like, use the library to find more books to buy. This is the way.


[deleted] t1_iujdgur wrote

I hate to admit that I don't like borrowing from the library because I feel rushed to finish stuff. Books aren't that expensive though so I don't have a problem buying them


opeathrowaway t1_iuje5ik wrote

The village I’m in has “Covid” hours & “school” hours in place 10am-1pm 2 days a week if the wind blows and the bird snorts at 3:27am on the third Friday of the month and won’t participate in any interlibrary loan, won’t post the catalog or anything schedule updates and if you call during post hours you can’t speak to anyone; forget email.

Basically my county in the US “has” a library in name only. It was absorbed by the high school about 10 years back and it quit being available to the public. Mostly farmers, Amish, and retired illiterate folks that worked at factories long shuddered.


Blahdeblahhhh t1_iujixep wrote

I borrow books and manga from my local library. Very happy with doing it this way.


MimiPaw t1_iujvwr2 wrote

I also encourage everyone to get a library card, even if they don’t think they will use it. One metric used by libraries was number of cardholders. I remember it from signs in the library asking everyone to get their friends to sign up because they could use it to advocate for funding. That was a few decades back so I am not sure if it’s still current info but it can’t hurt.


MissAngela66 t1_iuk5oq4 wrote

Combination of both. Nothing wrong with building up a home library. I like having one. They're all like my little trophies.


opeathrowaway t1_iuk5r1j wrote

We’re in hardcore Midwest misery; tbf the biggest demographic that used the library died off in the last 5 or so years (age + covid) so with that and less and less funding, we’re lucky we have a school and adjacent library for them. The school district went from 2 elementary schools, a middle and high, but now we have all the kids in the high school.