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IndigoTrailsToo t1_ir1iy9t wrote

Are you sure that you're reading the right books? It sounds like the word that you are looking for here is "immersion", and most fiction books do a pretty good job of keeping the reader immersed in the world but some books do a really awful job and keep kicking the reader out of it, especially if things are too implausible or the book is not well written or if there are too many plot holes, your hindbrain kicks in and says wait a minute and then you are kicked out of the immersion of the story again as if it was a giant portal and you are back in the real world again

Personally every story that I read the first time I am immersed in unless the book is too poorly written and I keep getting kicked out. If I want to study the book or the writing or the language I have to approach it carefully and I can do that but the very first time I read anything I know that I am going to be "in the story"

I would also recommend that you take a step back and look at your personal reading environment. Are you reading at your desk with your drafting pencil and protractor and red pen ready? In this kind of setting you would be in the mind space to do work rather than to be comfortable and leisurely. So make sure that you are snug and cozy and comfortable and things are to your liking. I recently discovered that there is a hobby that I like to do but I was getting angrier and angrier with it and it took me about 10 years to realize that I was hating the hobby because I was physically very uncomfortable with the way that my desk was set up and my posture because of it. My hobby was physically painful for me. And it took me 10 years to realize. Yeeeeeeaaaaahhh.