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apeiron131 t1_itkdli3 wrote

chumino? (show me now) meaning c+unt


R0l0d3x-Pr0paganda t1_itl4vyf wrote

I'm Puerto Rican 🇵🇷, there are 2 words we use to say a woman's hoo-haa, and please don't down vote. I'm giving accurate info here.


Toto <<yes, that's slang for hoo-haa


apeiron131 t1_itmnio7 wrote

I’m Spanish, and you are right we use those too


R0l0d3x-Pr0paganda t1_itmqbsx wrote

Really?!?! Most of our Spanish comes from the Canary Islands.

But the slangs I mentioned, it's used in reggaeton, and the C one is used with prostitutes. Although I heard it is used in a dirty fashion when you are having sex with someone.

Both are used both ways interchangeably in a dirty fashion. If you say it outloud either you are using it as part of a dirty joke or dirty talk.


tebannnnnn t1_itkpj6k wrote

Why the downvotes? This makes sense


ObiFlanKenobi t1_itkrpm5 wrote

Because he said "english words", chumino no es inglés.

Although I love that word, I find it funny.


apeiron131 t1_itmlca8 wrote

It’s not technically Spanish either, it’s a mispronouncing of show me now but redditors are clearly sensitive little chuminos


ObiFlanKenobi t1_itmrutw wrote

Confirmed by my spanish friends, you are absolutely right.


tebannnnnn t1_itkyicg wrote

He sais English expresions and then that the last one is a word used by the prostitutes. And its still one word in their language.
