Hi! I hope everyone's having a good day!
I was wondering how do you approach or plan your reading order? What I mean is, for example, if you finished reading a horror novel, do you try the next book to be other genre?
Most of the times I try to vary the genre or subject whanever I can. If I finish a light short detective story then I'd go for something like horror, or fantasy.
Sometimes what I do is read two books at the same time, one of fiction and the other about history or philosophy. Mos of the times I found that this technique give me a good balance, where I can let the other book rest for a little while I dive into other subject completely different.
Even if I'm reading a book that's part of a series, most of the times I try to read other stuff (probably a couple of short stories) before going into the next installment.
ZipZop06 t1_iy4fgtw wrote
I rotate but final decision is based on my mood. Barring me finishing a book and saying - omg, I MUST read another by this author/next in series NOW…
I usually will first sort to my oldest books, then from there pick two or three of different genres to re-read the descriptions of and select from there. However if I’m like hmm I just read a thriller then a cozy mystery, I really want a romance - then I’ll pick from 2 of my oldest romances on my kindle.
I usually have two books of different genre going such as listening to a thriller and reading a historical romance. I like to balance dark and light tones.