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SugarNSpite1440 t1_iybe4o2 wrote

The 50 Shades series were like 300+ pgs each. The 365 Days series are all 400+ pgs. Kresley Cole's The Game Maker Series are over 350 pgs each. And Katee Robert 's The O'Malley series are about the same. It really depends on both the author and sub genre. Most of the "harlequin romance" type books from Walmart are like 150 pages but a lot is in depth series are way more.


aagraham1121 t1_iybfr9w wrote

Most thrillers I feel are around 400 pages, give or take 50. Fantasy tho - those are typically 500 plus. Priory of the Orange Tree and Sanderson are both on my TBR 😅