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Piratt t1_ivrazyt wrote

I enjoy high and low fantasy. I think low fantasy is easier for ya readers because they can do more action and less world building.


enderverse87 t1_ivrbyiw wrote

Part of the appeal of urban fantasy is the idea that it could be real. Not necessarily that exact story, but the whole concept of "what if there really is a hidden magical world?" Even things like Chronicles of Narnia/Wizard of Oz/Alice in Wonderland/Isekai fit into that. The idea that it could happen.


youngcoyote14 t1_ivrbzni wrote

It's not so much that you have a bit less world building to work with but in my experience its how the fantastical either integrates itself or hides itself from modern humanity. For example, I very much like the Dresden Files (Jim Butcher) for how it has the fantastical not quite perfectly blend into normalcy if you just know how to look, and has its own politics just beneath the surface of our own. Unlike Harry Potter which never used anything of the normal world and made modern wizards utterly ignorant of any changes since the 1700s. One of those is clever. The other, years later after some writing experience of my own, now seems rather lazy.


the8itch t1_ivrdgfx wrote

Admittedly, I have a hard time keeping up with really detailed high fantasy. In theory I love them, but I have ADD. I fell in love with urban fantasy after being like "oh! This is set in Chicago! I understand this."

Probably sounds dumb, but that's my .02. 😁

ETA: Probably why I'm a SuperWhoLock too!