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Top-Abrocoma-3729 t1_ixt78ot wrote

Are you referring to Two Minute Mysteries? Very short stories that feature an answer or solution in the appendix?


double-talkin-jive t1_ixt8ai7 wrote

I don't think so, they're too short. The one I started reading was a pdf and was around 90 pages long. It did have the solution in the appendix, though I didn't peek.

I'll totally check that book out tho! Thank you


Inspector-Tophat t1_ixt93b3 wrote

Contact the publisher of the one you have and ask them what that genre is called. Whats the name of the pdf you have? I wouldn't mind trying to track something like this down out of curiosity.


double-talkin-jive t1_ixt9la2 wrote

I don't have it anymore :( I had it years ago and I just remembered about it


CrazyCatLady108 t1_ixtcxow wrote

Hi there. Your post would be better asked in our Simple Questions thread. It helps us keep the main subreddit focused around broader discussion rather topics which only apply to an individual. Thank you!