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Sage--Fox t1_iyay5bo wrote

No, it doesn't get better. In fact, the resolution is worse, imo.

>!Like, she realizes it was a mistake to kill herself because she happens to be living in her happiest life (not the one with the cool fulfilling career, no, the one where she's a wife and mommy, because what else should a good little woman be?). But like... what if she weren't living her happiest life? What if she had made a mistake along the way? Then she should've killed herself? I don't understand why people think this book is so inspirational because she realizes she'd be utterly miserable if she'd made different choices.!<


vivahermione t1_iybj6ot wrote

The sad part was that in her favorite alternate life she did >!have a great career as a philosophy professor and writer, but it was largely ignored due to the focus on motherhood!<.


[deleted] t1_iyd3a0z wrote



Sage--Fox t1_iyd9sv9 wrote

I think your reading of it is also totally fair and valid. I'm really glad to know this book has helped you so much! It really goes to show how every book has an audience. I've been in pretty dark places in my life, but I wasn't in a particularly dark place when I read this book.

You don't "suck!" Personality disorders are absolutely awful, and I'm so glad this book kept you here! <3 Major props for getting therapy. Just taking the first step is monumental. I'm also in therapy to work through childhood trauma.