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saltwaterterrapin t1_ivudi6f wrote

Yeah, it’s fascinating and a little disquieting how easily we assign genders to people. Even though I know Murderbot has no gender, sometimes I can’t help but think of them as a ‘she.’ And I have no idea where that gendering came from!


phcampbell t1_ivupjxj wrote

I’ve envisioned Murderbot as “she” from the beginning; I don’t know why.


s0cks_nz t1_ivuqo4t wrote

Yup, I thought of it as a "she" too tbh. I figure because it was written by a woman that the writer's female undertones came through in MurderBot. I can't help but find that books written by women do have something about them that makes them feel different to those books written by men. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is though.


PM_ME_UR_NAN t1_ivvc0r4 wrote

I listened to the audiobook and Kevin R. Free does an amazing job. The voice did bias me towards thinking of Murderbot as male until they made their deep disgust with the idea of having sex related parts clear. Between the role as a security guard, which scans male to me, and the narrator I can at least understand how I jumped to my conclusion.

I kind of think of those big egg shaped security robots that are around today as male. If they had the capacity, they probably would not appreciate that.

Murderbot would probably prefer we didn't talk about it, though. At all.


alohadave t1_ivv631q wrote

Same. Mostly non-gendered, but sometimes thought of it as a 'she'.