Submitted by angryscout2 t3_yrgfhk in books

I just read this book yesterday in one sitting. I picked it up on the recommendation of a buddy of mine and was amazed. From my perspective good sci-fi has been a desert for the past several years with a few notable exceptions. The story picks you up and carries you along with it like few books I have read recently do. I am now waiting for the other books in the series as I think I may have just found another author to add to my list of must-reads



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Sad_King_Billy-19 t1_ivtj68g wrote

I think sci-fi, or at least classic sci-fi, is better in shorter format. I read the rest of the novellas in the series and loved them. when I got to full length novel it never really grabbed me like the others had.


brademerika t1_ivtkd2v wrote

I've read her MurderBot books and I really enjoyed them.


disciples_of_dissent t1_ivtpzt3 wrote

Agreed. I am on book 4 of her Murderbot Diaries series. Really enjoying it.


Latin_For_King t1_ivtrn8v wrote

I love the characters, but her "books" have grown way too short and way too expensive.


WeTheSalty t1_ivtrwme wrote

>when I got to full length novel it never really grabbed me like the others had.

Same. It was good, but it didn't feel like a part of the story. The first four novella are all kind of connected and complete an overall story. You could probably stitch them together and call it a long novel. The novel just feels kind of "extra" as does the novella that comes after it.


ultraJJR t1_ivttima wrote

The whole series is so good.


Gadwynllas t1_ivtu0u1 wrote

Yeah I get that. The novellas get to keep introducing new things and people and guilt and they have incredible pacing. By the time the novel hits you know a lot of the world and characters and there’s less “new”, so there’s slower pacing and more in depth world building. Or maybe not in depth, but, broader? I dug the novel, but agree the pacing is very different


_BonBonBunny t1_ivtug09 wrote

I love Murderbot!!! I've only read the first two books because the waiting lists on my library app (Libby) are huge. I keep recommending the series to all of my friends because they are so fun and delightful and exciting. Recently was on a big road trip and got my partner into it by playing the audiobook of the first book. 🤖


angryscout2 OP t1_ivtvl4p wrote

I am reading. I have tried fiction audiobooks and just can't like them. I find it irritating when the narrator attempts to do different voices. I am strictly a non-fiction audiobook guy, specifically history or international relations


Horridhorsey t1_ivty9jk wrote

I still have it on my reading list… I need some lighthearted sci-fi in my life.


wolf_of_hearts t1_ivtysn2 wrote

Murderbot series my beloved; I'm on Network Effect (book...4? 5?). It's all pretty great stuff.


busybags t1_ivu1rag wrote

Loved the series. Short novellas so easy to burn through though.


RD__III t1_ivu23yw wrote

I have read all except the most recent novella (Fugitive Telemetry).

they're really fantastic. Network Effect in particular is great.


sitnquiet t1_ivu3vua wrote

Totally agree. I binge the audiobooks (read by Kevin R. Free) every few months. SO good!


megreads781 t1_ivu5yus wrote

Murderbot is the greatest. I read the first one like you, in one sitting. Then I just devoured the rest. I think I will happily read anything else Martha Wells creates.


drillgorg t1_ivu7o9v wrote

I love the Murderbot series! I'm just wasting away over here waiting for more books.


hootiesapperticker t1_ivu840n wrote

Two things really stand out to me about the Murderbot stories, in addition to the truly fabulous central character. One is the inclusion of a protopian society, and how plausibly Wells reckons with how the society can uphold its approach even among more hostile and mercenary circumstances. The second is that the action seldom hinges on anyone’s incompetence. Murderbot’s clients, generally, are at at worst lacking in sufficient context rather than acting thoughtlessly or selfishly. Their motives make internal and contextual sense, and they mostly behave rationally, so it’s not about people being awful or idiotic to drive the plot forward. Even the antagonists, as evil as they are painted to be, aren’t, by and large, faceless mustache twirlers so much as bureaucrats removed from the human consequences of their choices. I really like getting to exist in a universe that demonstrates the possibility of productive collaboration without homogenizing everyone’s personalities or motives.


Snowman123456789 t1_ivu8xem wrote

The first person narration was what got me hooked. It’s like you get a ride along with the murderbot. I also liked how he used media to distract himself from his terrible existence.


SargeCobra t1_ivu92du wrote

Absolutely addictive series, one of the best thrillers I can remember reading. I compulsively check every 2 weeks to see if she's announced a new murderbot book yet.


twee_centen t1_ivuae8n wrote

My favorite series I also discovered recently! I just finished book 6 last week, and I'm itching to re-read the series already.


marzenmangler t1_ivuag4y wrote

The whole concept and narration is hilarious.


s0cks_nz t1_ivubjwk wrote

I read them all. I enjoyed it. Not my favourite series ever, but a really good one nevertheless.


jhharvest t1_ivubur9 wrote

I've absolutely loved The Murderbot Diaries. It's imo the best contemporary book series.


CantankerousOctopus t1_ivucxlc wrote

Murderbot is probably one of my favorite characters in literature. The entire series is amazing. We actually named our newest dog Security Consultant Rin from Rogue Protocol. We call her Rin for short obviously. I'd love to read an analysis of Murderbot because I feel like I relate so much to them as a character.


saltwaterterrapin t1_ivudi6f wrote

Yeah, it’s fascinating and a little disquieting how easily we assign genders to people. Even though I know Murderbot has no gender, sometimes I can’t help but think of them as a ‘she.’ And I have no idea where that gendering came from!


chuff76 t1_ivudnij wrote

Listened to and loved all of them, they were a hard sell for me as they're just so SHORT. My audiobooks are usually 10-15 hours, these were all 3 or so hours


Moikee t1_ivue0ku wrote

I’ve read the first 2 and definitely recommend to keep going


sloppysauce t1_ivui5oi wrote

It’s been a long time since I’ve identified with a protagonist like I do with Murderbot.


Indifferent_Jackdaw t1_ivuiot7 wrote

Yes, welcome to the Murderbot fan club. You will not be disappointed.

btw I recommend reading Fugitive Telemetry before Network Effect. Timeline wise FT happens before NE and I feel it works much better in that order rather than publication. Loads of big splashy exciting adventures happen in NE and it feels weird to go back to a relatively small adventure after that. When you are just dying to know what happens with Murderbot and [redacted].


Smidgeon10 t1_ivujo5s wrote

I just reread the first five last week (a lot are available through kindle unlimited). Not the last one...too expensive and sounds like it precedes #5. I found these after reading the Ancillary Justice series by ann leckie. Those were great too though much more space opera-y.


confuzzledfather t1_ivujqda wrote

Murderbot is great. I honestly feel like I am in a golden age of scifi. Adrian Tchaikovsky has been pumping out absolutely classics in the last decade. How about Three Body Problem? Other suggestions: Andy Weir. Anne Lecke. Blake Crouch. Ted Chiang with some mind-blowing short stories.


gijoe50000 t1_ivukf0g wrote

I've seen this popping up in my ebooks for a while now, but haven't gotten to it yet.

But I'll definitely put on my to-do list now. Thanks!


Welfycat t1_ivukw8a wrote

I love this series, discovered it this summer and went right through it.


BadAtNamesWasTaken t1_ivumjlz wrote

Not OP, and a non-native English speaker, even though English has been my first/primary language for a while now.

I also referred to Murderbot as "he" in my first review (before I realized what its preferred pronoun is). I did not assign a gender to Murderbot though - I thought of it as a genderless entity, if I thought about its gender at all. I just tend to use "he" as the default pronoun without thinking. My mother tongue doesn't have gendered pronouns, and I have never really gotten used to thinking of gender identity before using a pronoun. In my mother tongue masculine words also generally double as neutral gender words (similar to old English where man = human of any gender, and wif-men = wife-men/women/men of the female gender). So I just tend to default to male words in English too, unless I'm consciously making an effort.


Lilcowpoke t1_ivun7fd wrote

She is so fun!!! Murderbot is awesome. I’m reading her Raksura series now. It’s really different but still great. Martha Wells is 💯💯💯💯💯


sososaseo t1_ivunft1 wrote

I looooooove Murderbot so so much. What a brill series! I recommend it to everyone.


mattsimis t1_ivunlw0 wrote

Agreed on all the above! Going to doubly ensure there isn't one I've missed in the series.

Murder Bot Diaries made me feel a bit better about AI nightmare scenarios, despite the name!


DrowsyDreamer t1_ivuoh27 wrote

I really hope they put out the series as one audiobook, I just don’t feel like using audible credits for short stories is worth the money.


s0cks_nz t1_ivuq38l wrote

It was programmed to be a weapon so I'm not sure that logic applies.

Interestingly, I thought of MurderBot as being more female than male. I'm not sure why tbh. I assumed because it was written by a woman, so MurderBot had female undertones come through in the writing.


Sobbin t1_ivuq46z wrote

Murderbot is amazing! Love the whole series.


s0cks_nz t1_ivuqo4t wrote

Yup, I thought of it as a "she" too tbh. I figure because it was written by a woman that the writer's female undertones came through in MurderBot. I can't help but find that books written by women do have something about them that makes them feel different to those books written by men. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is though.


maverickf11 t1_ivuva4t wrote

Maybe this is an age thing but I couldn't finish All Systems Red. My guess is the main character resonates with alot of teenagers and that's why it is loved so much and gets recommend on here all the time.

To me it was a poorly written sci-fi with a memorable main character, but not memorable for any good reasons.


bagelstealingsloth t1_ivuvjii wrote

Yes!!!! Please more people read murderbot it's sooooooo good


Lukemia_raisin t1_ivuvofy wrote

I only read the first 3 (maybe 4) books but I really liked that it was something that I could finish in one sitting.


bicyclecat t1_ivuvoxv wrote

I identified Murderbot as agender but leaning feminine in presentation and voice. I listened to the audiobook after reading the first two and the male reader was a bit jarring.


WritPositWrit t1_ivuw0u4 wrote

This entire series is amazing. You will not be disappointed. I believe a book #7 is coming next year.


Janktronic t1_ivuwt6u wrote

Gahhh, I've read the last available book in the series and now I'm stuck waiting for the next one.


casualfreeguy t1_ivuxnuf wrote

My favorite thing about Murderbot series is how they dangle the whole "What measure is a human" concept and not just ignore it but just frankly not care about it. It's really refreshing.


Zarb4233 t1_ivv1642 wrote

Murderbot is one of my favorite series.


ChikaoJ t1_ivv1u90 wrote

Murderbot is absolutely fantastic! Also for anyone who does audiobooks the narrator is Kevin from Welcome to Nightvale. Truly a cross over of the ages.


[deleted] t1_ivv3hef wrote

I love this series!!! Murderbot is the best character ever!


ennuimachine t1_ivv3yjs wrote

This series is my comfort read. I'm not kidding. I read All Systems Red again recently when I was going through some stuff and I wanted to read but my brain just wouldn't allow me to focus on any other book.


BitPoet t1_ivv458a wrote

I read the audiobook, which was narrated by a guy, even in as agender as he could, you could still tell. It was easy to think of Murderbot's gender as male, rather than Murderbot.


ergonaut t1_ivv4e85 wrote

This is not supported by her descriptions, but I like to imagine Bender from Futurama as MurderBot


_BonBonBunny t1_ivv4o8h wrote

If it helps, try downloading both Libby and Hoopla. They have different titles available on each even when I'm signed in with the same library card. Or sometimes one will have the audiobook version while the other one doesn't. The method of checking things out is slightly different between them, too (Libby is the one with limited copies available and puts you on waiting lists for popular ones; Hoopla has everything available always but with a limit on how many you can check out every x days).

Apologies if I'm telling you stuff you already know. 🥲 But it might be helpful info for someone out there!


BlueInFlorida t1_ivv7jq5 wrote

I listened to the audiobooks, and it's a male narrator (Kevin R. Free, fantastic), so I do lean toward the main character being male. But the chosen pronoun is "it" and it makes clear that it has no gender, and really gender is disgusting (LOL).


snikle t1_ivv833e wrote

I would also note this as an awesome series to listen to as audiobooks. Just the right level of action for me for long drives.


affictionitis t1_ivv8p03 wrote

It is so good and you've inspired me to start a re-read!


StalkerBro95 t1_ivv962e wrote


They're all amazing and I cannot wait to read the new ones coming out. I think i read the entire series in a week.

Excellent writing, couldn't recommend more.


glasgian t1_ivv9zsu wrote

These are great short ebooks, however I wish they were around $5/each (or there was an omnibus). It hurts to pay $12-14 for each ebook.


Crispypiggy t1_ivvaxqt wrote

I really didn't get the hype. It was different and mildly funny but for the most part, it felt very meh. I feel like I'm alone in this


PM_ME_UR_NAN t1_ivvc0r4 wrote

I listened to the audiobook and Kevin R. Free does an amazing job. The voice did bias me towards thinking of Murderbot as male until they made their deep disgust with the idea of having sex related parts clear. Between the role as a security guard, which scans male to me, and the narrator I can at least understand how I jumped to my conclusion.

I kind of think of those big egg shaped security robots that are around today as male. If they had the capacity, they probably would not appreciate that.

Murderbot would probably prefer we didn't talk about it, though. At all.


PM_ME_UR_NAN t1_ivvcbwu wrote

Maybe a Combat SecUnit. I imagine that the company would not want the ones that guard many very annoying clients to be "really murderous". Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


andepanda t1_ivve308 wrote

I haven't read Murder Bot yet but her Raksura series is in my top 3 favorites of all time !


1oz9999finequeefs t1_ivvecs6 wrote

This series got me into reading this year from a 4 year dry spell


Lossagh t1_ivvewx3 wrote

Yes! Got into her books through her Stargate Atlantis novels. Love her writing.


glorielle t1_ivvgzh6 wrote

I heart Murderbot! Also, the Raksura books are a masterclass in world building. You can absolutely see the characters and places and they are so original. Martha Wells is a great writer.


toughtacos t1_ivvhbwy wrote

Network Effect is the only one I had trouble getting into and had to restart five times over the period of 6 months until I finally got it. Probably because the structure was different due to it being a novel instead of a novella, and my mind kept fighting it.


PM_ME_GOODDOGS t1_ivvi8vb wrote

I loved it! I got through the first 4 I think and then felt like that was good enough. The story felt kinda, I dunno, it felt like intentionally delaying answering questions to prolong the series


xelle24 t1_ivvj9fk wrote

I really have to listen to the Murderbot audiobooks. I loved the books, and I loved Kevin R. Free on the Desert Bluffs episodes of Welcome to Night Vale.


bakerzdosen t1_ivvmhe0 wrote

Agreed. When my major complaint is that I wish she’d write more (or that they were longer), I guess that means I’m a fan.


KIBIGL t1_ivvnoze wrote

The whole series is fantastic!


chuff76 t1_ivvq9h8 wrote

I gambled on the first one but after that I was sold. Gotta get maximum value from those credits!


AdequateMatch t1_ivvsr3e wrote

I love Murderbot! The whole series is really well done.


rozkovaka t1_ivvst4h wrote

Yeah, her books are like my favorite tv shows. I make sure I know exactly when it comes out, wait very impatiently for the day and then binge it and feel sad I have to wait for another.


Jrae37 t1_ivvt6zz wrote

If you have a library card from a local and live near a big city, check and see if you are able to double up on cards. My city allows me to use my local card to check books out from them even though they aren’t affiliated.


Gjardeen t1_ivvunjw wrote

This series is so awesome! It makes me happy and glad to be human, which doesn't happen super often.


AdaahhGee t1_ivvw1t1 wrote

Fantastic series but seriously overpriced.

Murderbot is basically Robot Jack Reacher.


Merle8888 t1_ivvxoon wrote

Agreed with all of this. A great example of making the protagonist competent without making everyone else stupid. And hell, sometimes everyone gets to be competent—I thought the way the group worked on the mystery in book one exemplified this. No one would be a scientist on this mission if they were an idiot.


NoisyCats t1_ivwdfn7 wrote

I’m sincerely glad people like these books. I could barely finish the first one. The writing was awful and story one dimensional and boring. I’m not even a literature snob. Maybe I’M a robot. 🙂


MoronicFreak t1_ivwev8a wrote

Hey I just did the same thing a few days ago! Got through the entire book in a day and will definitely get the rest of the murderbot series


ToGalaxy t1_ivwjbwm wrote

I bought all of them as ebooks when they were first released and then as physical hard copies. Now I'm looking for signed editions. I've heard every single book about 10 times each. All Systems Red I've read about 30 times. Perfect series to snuggle up with on an airplane.


ElBrenzo t1_ivwk3p4 wrote

Just finished up book 4 on audio and really enjoying the series. Taking a quick break and listening to Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow then going to jump back in.


d_rek t1_ivwoo11 wrote

The entire series is a real treat. Murderbot is such a well written character, the plot arcs are interesting, and it’s just damn funny. Absolutely fantastic books. Can’t recommend enough.


limitless_wandering t1_ivwqltr wrote

this book looks like something i would really be interested in! just a quick question in though, does it have any major romance in it that dulls the actual plot of the story? this is a pet peeve of mine, and i find that in so many sci-fi stories i read this is a problem. so, to anyone who has read this book, would you say there is a lot of romance? (also just letting me know the amount of romance in this book would be nice.)


dzennypenny t1_ivwrodd wrote

Please consider reaching out to your local library or seeing if it is available for you through the mobile app "libby" with your library card. Several libraries also have inter library networks where you can either get materials from neighboring counties or even sign up for other library cards for other jurisdictions in your region. This can expand the ebook and audiobook selection available to you through libby even if you can't physically go to a neighboring county location. Your local librarians will know best how to help if they are able to! Happy reading!!


NanditoPapa t1_ivwz4h5 wrote

I'm halfway through the last book in the series. Have loved each one of them!


SCP-087-1 t1_ivx0vzo wrote

Eh, I find it too teenage-angsty the characters are predictable and emotionally immature. Can see how it would appeal to a certain crowd


dragontracks t1_ivx3l7a wrote

I got almost all of them from the local library. I got them on CD, but they also subscribe to a couple audiobook suppliers that allow you to download and listen.

I loved this series. I happily used a credit (Libro) for the one full novel in the series


DamnedifYouDiddlyDo t1_ivx73tb wrote

One of my favourite series. I have to convince my reader friends to read it (the fools), so I'm glad to see that many other people love Murberbot as much as I do. Not sure if I should find Murderbot as relatable as I do, lol.


potato_and_nutella t1_ivx8uie wrote

I read the series, it was good but I felt sometimes it wasn’t interesting or I wouldn’t understand what’s going on


kiwilapple t1_ivxe7k1 wrote

I read the first book. Absolutely loved the world building, the characters, the plot, the voice. Everything was great, everything made sense! Last couple pages just dropped it off a cliff for me. Zero desire to read the rest of them. No trust that stubborn little SecUnit won't do it again. Shaking them I'm so happy for everyone who loves it, and I hope as many people as possible pick it up! But it doesn't make me happy, and that's what I need in the books I read now. I don't want to spoil it but if you finished it you know what I'm talking about lmao!!


Stock_Beginning4808 t1_ivxrrtj wrote

I’ve read all the Murderbot material that’s out and I love it


RubyNotTawny t1_ivy823h wrote


That may actually be the most fun word in the English language. I want to shout when I say it.

The whole series is terrific.


KoriroK-taken t1_ivymca2 wrote

I lost steam with the series, personally. The next two books feel a bit like filler. They aren't bad by any means. But they didn't compel me to press on with the series.


apparition_of_melody t1_ivypi8z wrote

I read the entire series in like 2 weeks. I dont think I've ever related to a character more. I am an introvert and am on the spectrum, and I have always thought of these things as personality defects. I feel like I've spent my entire life learning how to be human. But seeing how likeable Murderbot/Sec unit was, even with an introverted and awkward personality, made me look at myself in a new light. I'm not defective, I'm just different, that's all. I've become much more accepting of my own personality since reading this series. And being accepting of myself has helped improve my relationships with others. Its funny how books change your perspective. I read the first book expecting an exciting scifi adventure, and ended up getting a epiphany about myself.