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zgrizz t1_iycnb6k wrote

I recall it taking a bit to catch me when I read it, but have fond memories of the interesting premise and that I ultimately enjoyed it.

I'd push on, I think you'll be glad you did.


the-origami-dragon OP t1_iycnj4m wrote

Thank you, that gives me hope. I am thinking of getting the hard copy. Maybe it's reading on the Kindle that's making it hard to get immersed in it.

I read Assasin's Apprentice on a physical copy. But just read the ebooks next because I was too impatient to wait to purchase them at a store!


paramiyo t1_iycohgn wrote

Perserve! The books all tie into each other masterfully in the fifth trilogy. I had a hard time getting started with the liveship books as well, but so worth it! If you're a fan of the first trilogy, pretty sure you'll get into it.


RobMcD222 t1_iycrwio wrote

I found the serpent chapters kind of distracting at first. So I just sort of skimmed them, esp in the 1st book which helped me focus on the rest. Those books are some of my favorite fantasy ever.


the-origami-dragon OP t1_iycso2x wrote

Good tip, thanks, I'll try that. Currently have got out a notepad, with names of characters written down, as I keep spacing out. Hope it helps me get through the start.


theosZA t1_iyd1uqy wrote

Personally I wouldn't suggest skimming the serpent chapters. At the beginning they do feel a bit disconnected from the main story, but I think the payoff is worth it in the end.


tailofthesun t1_iycslab wrote

Keep reading! I skipped them after reading the Farseer trilogy (on accident) and really wish I didn't. I struggled a bit at first but they get better.


Frank024 t1_iydpwp0 wrote

I recommend you keep reading. I remember it taking a while to pull me in but it was well worth it. I think the problem for me was I was just too invested in Fitz and his story and I was reluctant to give all these new characters a chance; but it’s definitely worth it. You’ll never get attached to any of the characters as much as you did Fitz but they are all unique and go through great arcs with character growth.

Also Liveship Traders is much more relevant to the next Fitz series (Tawny Man) then Farseer is to Liveships. You would be able to follow the story of Tawny Man, but I think you’ll be even more invested in it having read Liveships


the-origami-dragon OP t1_iyej181 wrote

That’s an interesting take. I think even though I knew Fitz won’t make an appearance, deep down I was too restless as the trilogy felt unfinished.


pithyretort t1_iyen93z wrote

"Is X worth reading?" or "Should I finish Y?" type posts are considered recommendation requests and should be posted in the weekly recommendation thread.


twolffwriting t1_iydyjhi wrote

I was in the same place, especially with Kennit’s opening chapter and the serpents lol. It all starts to make sense after a while. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I ever really enjoyed the serpent pov chapters, but they are very important to the ongoing story.