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ponyothefrog t1_iy8uttc wrote

Do you think YA literature is somehow competing with Comics? (given that both target young adults pretty well) When choosing one over another, what are the main reasons?


barrylyga OP t1_iy8vfp5 wrote

Wow, what a great question!

I would imagine there's SOME competition, but I don't think today's kids think in terms of "read a book or read a comic?" The past decade or so has really done a good job of instilling "reading is reading" into this generation.


barrylyga OP t1_iy8vxzo wrote

Oh, and I meant to say, too... Those are both categories that have historically had a lot of shame attached to them. "You're reading kid stuff!" "Read a real book!" Of course, both categories have a plethora of crap, but so does EVERY category. There's also really brilliant stories in both. So if anything, I hope that those who read one will dip into the other and find something genius!


ponyothefrog t1_iy90akx wrote

That makes sense! Wonder now how many "adult people" read "young adult" literature.


barrylyga OP t1_iy90jsh wrote

I know that my YA books have a pretty sizable crossover component to them, but I can't speak to the category at large. (There was a study a few years back that showed a big chunk of YA books were read by adults...but that study didn't take into account that a big chunk of THAT chunk was grown-ups reading The Hunger Games!)