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Dana07620 t1_j2fbpdo wrote

>Was this the ending Daniel Keyes wanted but thought would be too dark?

How would that be too dark? I'd consider that to be a happy ending.

Instead I've been so traumatized by the book that it's on my "Great, but read only once" list. And I'm not the only one.


Sttocs OP t1_j2fcn75 wrote

To intentionally dumb oneself down to fit in better with humanity seems pretty dark to me. Maybe a better ending for the character, but a damning indictment of humanity.

Wasn’t feeling a lot of warm fuzzies at the end of the movie Pi.


Dana07620 t1_j2fesw3 wrote

Intelligence doesn't equal happiness.

You want a TV example of that, there's an episode of House, MD where a super-genius dumbs himself down because he's happier when he's like the people around him and not constantly being aware of how much stupider they are.

But if intelligence equals happiness, really smart people wouldn't be depressed and commit suicide.

If Charlie were happy, but dumb, I would take that as a win. Because he's going to live the rest of his life happy.

>Wasn’t feeling a lot of warm fuzzies at the end of the movie Pi.

Don't remember it.