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Merle8888 t1_j1ou9je wrote

Yep OP, my experience is quite similar. Read exclusively fiction as a kid, teen and through my early 20s. In my mid 20s I realized nonfiction could be just as compelling, and my nonfiction intake has increased steadily since and some years been the overwhelming majority of my reading. This year I think I was around 50/50.

But while that looks even, I do find that it’s much easier for me to find nonfiction I’ll appreciate. A good writer on a topic I’m interested in, and haven’t read about this particular aspect of before? Most likely I’ll find it worthwhile. There’s just a lot more that can go wrong with fiction—every book is a leap of faith. I like reading a balance but I would guess my average rating for fiction is appreciably lower at this point. Although some of this is probably still my being somewhat newer to nonfiction. The more you consume of something the pickier you tend to be, and I am seeing myself becoming more discerning with nonfiction and DNFing more often as time goes by.