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[deleted] t1_j18a6aj wrote

I like well written prose, immersive worlds, elaborate and interesting stories, ideally character progression to go with it. If it sounds vague, that's because it is. My favourite books range from Anna Karenina to The Expanse 😊


sidksyek t1_j196id9 wrote

Anna Karenina is an example of something I don’t really need from a book but something I’m really impressed by when I see it. Fully developed characters that feel so real they feel almost like friends. I know how Levin or Oblonsky would act in almost any situation.

Less friends - because they’re all awful - but I felt the same about the characters in Revolutionary Road. They way they keep playing situations over in their mind until they emerged as the hero felt like something a genuine person would do- and perhaps something we’ve all been guilty at at some point in our lives.