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Autarch_Kade t1_j18nn8o wrote

I love a book with a premise or story that I haven't seen done before. One that leaves me thinking about it months or years later.

I also love a book that's goofy fun, that doesn't break ground but brings you a smile.

I like really interesting characters, but also books where the characters barely matter at all.

I like compelling human characters, but also interesting alien species, but then again enjoyed books from the perspective of animals, and a book where most of the characters were simply inanimate objects that did nothing.

I can enjoy a descriptive book that lets me perfectly picture every building, landscape, and person. I also enjoy books that eschew all that to focus on actions.

I enjoy long series, stories that complete in a single book, books that are open-ended, and books that don't finish but wrap around to the beginning and keep going.

It would be pretty limiting if I only wanted to read a book with one of those attributes. I'd miss out on so many great stories that had a different style of telling them. I can't pick anything I need in a book without eliminating some of the best books I've read.