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Ki1gore_Tr0ut t1_j1b816p wrote

I still remember when gas was 39 cents a gallon... read in old grandpa voice


Ghostforce56 t1_j1dexua wrote

Don't even joke, you'll be saying that some day "I remember when gas was $3 a gallon before the water wars!"


Ki1gore_Tr0ut t1_j1eowdc wrote

We're definitely on track for an inevitable Mad Max era.


Ok_Aioli1990 t1_j1e1am5 wrote

Honey I remember watching for the gas war prices for my parents and it was 19 cents. We were on the road all during my childhood.


Ki1gore_Tr0ut t1_j1eolep wrote

Shit, I probably could have picked up a 25000 sq/ft manor on a private island for 100k back in those days.