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Blankstarehere t1_iyune9o wrote

I read this story in college for my African Studies class. My teacher was from Cameroon, and I'll never forget his big booming voice reading out the first two paragragraphs to us, Okonkwo threw the cat! It helped that my professor came from a colonized country ( Cameroon was colonized by the French) and he was able to give us lots of insight of the loss of culture with the colonization and why the story ended the way it did. I had gotten Chinua Achebe book Called the African Trilogy, which included No Longer at Ease and Arrow of God, along with Things Fall Apart, so check out the other two titles.


SublimeLime1 OP t1_iyuqykx wrote

That sounds incredible, must have helped so much to have someone with some much first hand knowledge. I will certainly check out the other two of the trilogy! Thank you