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Adjective-Noun-0123 t1_j1om16r wrote

> I am going to make those lists anyway.

I now think you enjoy making, using, and maintaining the lists. And if you do? Of course keep it up! If I enjoyed it, I'd do that too. : )

I suggest just make a LibreOffice Calc (that's the free version of Excel; if you own Excel, that's fine too) document, rather than any app that could go obsolete or spy on you, and track the books and categories there. Easily backed up (just email it to yourself sometimes), easily modified or re-ordered, and easily filtered.

You could even keep the books you've read in there, mark them read, and add notes on how the book went and what you thought (something I wish I'd done for several; so many books all I remember is one or two things that happened and that I enjoyed it.)