Submitted by TopBoot1652 t3_zqs55c in books
Submitted by TopBoot1652 t3_zqs55c in books
I have learned to be careful with donations. I'd never done that before, so naivete. Live and learn.
I'm sorry that you had that experience. It sounds like a tough way to learn that libraries rarely add donations to their shelves. I've donated tons of books to the library, but I've always known they were going to be sold to support the library.
I hope eventually you'll recover from the shock and be able to feel good about the money you helped them raise (probably best not to ask what they sold for) and that someone else gets to enjoy the books.
Discussion is the goal
Do not post shallow content. All posts must be directly book related, informative, and discussion focused
Horrified? It sounds like a donation win to me. The library got new funds that they can use to run operations, buy new books, etc., and some buyer(s) got books they really want to have.
It's kind of the Winchester Family Christmas Tradition principle:
> "Your generous gift and insistence that it remain anonymous touched me deeply. The candy would've brought great joy to the children for a few moments, but on the black market, it was worth enough rice and cabbage to feed them for a month."
I was discussing books. If you mean that I should only discuss published novels, I will. Calling my reaction to the surprise I felt over a treasured book collection shallow seems discourteous. I trust that was not your intent.
Here in Nigeria, many of such books are sold as used books on our streets.
I know because many of such books bear stamps of American or British libraries.
I'll try get some ERB books now you've piqued my interest.
Certainly not shallow. Let's move on though. Apologies.
Your surprise over your donation being sold for funding is not about books nor is there much to generate a discussion. If you instead want to discuss library book management or ask where one might donate to get more 'philanthropic' bang for your buck, that would be an entirely different post.
lydiardbell t1_j0zjkos wrote
Edgar Rice Burroughs probably isn't popular enough at your library to justify the resources and staff time for processing 42 books (especially without a dedicated cataloging department, which some libraries don't have these days), or the shelf space (and making room on the shelf for 42 more books in one spot is also quite the undertaking!). In a lot of countries you can get books pre-processed and added to the catalogue according to your library's requirements
If anyone else would like to avoid this, firstly don't donate books you don't want to part with in the first place, and secondly always try to talk to a selector or at least have a look at the donation policy or collection development/management policy.