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[deleted] t1_j1yidae wrote


Mr_s3rius t1_j1ylhzm wrote

How do you figure. For funsies I skimmed through a few pages of their post history and they seem neither like a Putin glorifier nor like a bot.


mnvoronin t1_j1ymffm wrote

Because I do not equate every single Russian to an uncivilized orc, perhaps? :)


[deleted] t1_j1yns5j wrote



Nordalin t1_j1z29ua wrote

That's quite the uncivilised thing to say. Are you always like this?


Otherwise-Insect-484 t1_j1ynltz wrote

Go further.


Mr_s3rius t1_j1yoxdx wrote

I'm willing to change my mind but I'm not really invested enough to spend more than two minutes scouring someone's post history.

At the very least I don't see how someone who's had conversations about a bunch of different topics in the past weeks could be a bot.