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t1_j1vhgv6 wrote

This is the sign I needed to start reading The Song of Achilles! I read Circe years ago and loved it.


OP t1_j1vnjja wrote

Yes! And when you finish it, feel free to come back and let me know your thoughts!!!


t1_j24yfja wrote

Omg! I love it! I am 30% done in just one day. I’m sad because I’m going on a trip with a long flight so I’ll finish it super fast. Any other recommendations? I love Miller’s style and wish she wrote more books so I can binge on them.


OP t1_j250bzu wrote

Circe is the one everyone recommends, if you haven't read it yet! She's in the process of writing another, I've learned from this thread. Other than that, there are a lot of suggestions people have offered in the comments, so they're worth sifting through. My list got a lot longer after posting this! Safe travels and happy reading!