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hellbentmillennial t1_j1v45t4 wrote

I just want to read 12 books this year. One a month. I finished one book in 2022 and DNF'd another šŸ˜…


arlekin21 t1_j29sol5 wrote

I started reading in October last year and I had read 6 books before New Years so I figured 20 books in 2022 seemed like a reasonable goal. It is now Dec 30 and Iā€™m 40 pages away from finishing my first book of the year :/


Vakareja t1_j29uvl9 wrote

That's ok. Sometimes life gets in the way; sometimes we set a goal too high and demotivate ourselves. But you've read a book this year. You can use that as a minimum goal for next year: to read more than 1 book. Anything more than 2 will be a bonus. Celebrate yourself for what you've done, don't beat yourself up for what you didn't. It will not encourage you.


General-Ask-1227 t1_j1yr77e wrote

That's my goal as well. This year I've only read 5 books. Hoping that I find and read some great books in 2023.