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Alaira314 t1_j2aosec wrote

I feel the same way about romance in all books where the focus of the main plot isn't, well, romance. If your plot is about falling in love(whether it's in the romance genre or not), sure, go for it. But if the plot is you're saving the world from terrorists(with a side of romance), or solving the mysteries of the universe(with a side of romance), or figuring out who killed Mrs Jones(with a side of romance), or journeying to destroy the macguffin in the fires of hell(with a side of romance), or protesting police brutality(with a side of romance)'s just ugh. Hot take, but 95% of side-plot romances are unnecessary. I'm not even talking about sex scenes. I just think that characters are falling in love all over the place, and most of the time it serves to distract from rather than enhance the plot.