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Traditional_Lead_97 t1_j2da3fg wrote

It's still odd , in the romance sub reddit, even when most of us don't like non fiction or other genres, we never insult them or even bring them up . A book subreddit is supposed to be accepting of all genres , including romance since it's one of the oldest genres, older than sci-fi .


snoopy369 t1_j2du89f wrote

r/books is in the default subreddit list for new Redditors, though, so way more people read it than just book lovers.

To be clear, I’m not defending them, it’s shitty to act like that. I’m just explaining why.


Traditional_Lead_97 t1_j2dwmz1 wrote

Yeah i know , you may be right, i'd like to think that rather than to believe other readers are elitists and consider romance to not be a worthy genre , or a silly genre .