Submitted by ginnygrakie t3_zyxdsp in books
In the middle of a book about two backpackers missing in outback Australia. The sister of one comes from Germany to help, and (you can call it a spoiler but it’s so god dammed predictable) ends up interested in the cop investigating. ‘My sister is missing presumed dead and I’m alone in a foreign country, but my top priority is how fuckable this cop is’. I can’t stand it. The worse offence I’ve ever seen is from Mary Higgens Clark. A girl is told her sister is missing, she’s upset. Her new husband suggests they have sex to cheer her up, literally 5 minutes after getting this information, and she doesn’t call him an inconsiderate bastard, she has sex with him!
Please tell me I’m not the only one deeply annoyed, and slightly offended, by these insane forces romances in situations that make no emotional sense. I feel crazy because if it’s so common it must be that most people like it!
huldrat t1_j28bruu wrote
I really hate those as well. But overall I'm not into sex scenes in books from which I expect something else from. For example in King's (horror) books there's always this semi-random sex(ual) scene. I think maybe the authors just personally enjoy writing them? Or think it makes it more immersive? Or there is indeed a part of the audience that really enjoys them? Hard to tell for me