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boxer_dogs_dance t1_j1qmfvf wrote

Great review. Are you familiar with Dorothy Sayers? For mysteries from that era I like her better than Christie, although both are excellent. Just personal taste. I like how Sayers incorporates working people into her stories. I also like the romance she developed between Lord Peter Wimsy and Harriet Vane.


-something_something OP t1_j1qo8tg wrote

Thank you.

And yes I have read Sayers she later turned in theological writing but I cannot say I have read all of them but she was probably the best-known and most beloved Golden Age author after Christie. While Agatha may have set the conventions for the plot, Sayers inspired dozens of fictional detectives with her creation, Lord Peter Wimsey. She is equally celebrated for Wimsey's love interest and eventual wife Harriet Vane, introduced in the dock for the murder of her lover in Strong Poison.

The Nine Tailors is my favorite book of hers. Highly recommended.


violetsprouts t1_j1r6f2u wrote

Ngaio Marsh is also similar.


JohnRCash t1_j1rwwod wrote

They're an interesting study in contrasts despite being such close contemporaries. Sayers did complex characters and was far more interested in playing with the language of her writing. Christie was all about the plot.

I love both.