Submitted by Ilookbetterthanyou t3_zclini in books

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I love reading. When I go places I always carry one or more books with me. Whether it's the beach or a hike or sometimes even when I go out at night. I don't read the books on the dancefloor if that's what you're thinking, but I find it comforting knowing I have a book with me. What I guess I'm trying to say is, I love books and I love reading.

Problem is that no one arounds me really reads, and if they read it's not the same type of books. I'm a fairly social person and have a big group of friends, and an even larger social circle, but no one really reads. I can get very excited about certain books, and will start talking about them without any prompting, but all I get is eyes glazing over and big amounts of oxygen being consumed in deep yawns.

I find that talking about them on the internet doesn't give me the dopamine reward I'm looking for. I want someone to say "OH MY GOD I'VE READ THAT BOOK, IT WAS AMAZING, who was your favourite character?" and then talk about it for 2 hours, but that never happens.

Is this also your experience and how do you deal with this?



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