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boxer_dogs_dance t1_j6oyje6 wrote

For book suggestions the mods are going to ask you to take your question to r/suggestmeabook or r/booksuggestions.

Reddit also has r/romancebooks, r/historicalfiction, r/horrorlit, r/fantasy and r/printsf.

You may not be ready yet, depending on how old you are, but sometime I would encourage you to read Flow the psychology of optimal experience by Csikzentmihalyi, Bowling Alone, Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, Watership Down, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Paper Castles, Captain's Courageous by Kipling, the Millionaire Next Door and Deep Survival by Gonzalez.

Best wishes for your future.


Average_Joe_45 OP t1_j6p2ito wrote

>For book suggestions the mods are going to ask you to take your question to r/suggestmeabook or r/booksuggestions.

My apologies, will do.

Thanks for the recommendation.