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xenoscumyomom t1_j6oygoc wrote

Can't hurt me - David Goggins No matter how many self help books you read you are going to eventually have to start putting in the work. Here's someone who shows you some of what's possible when you do. I'm on his second book now. I'd recommend them as audible instead of paper or Kindle. He has conversations in between chapters, about what happened in the chapter, so it goes farther than the other mediums.


boxer_dogs_dance t1_j6oyje6 wrote

For book suggestions the mods are going to ask you to take your question to r/suggestmeabook or r/booksuggestions.

Reddit also has r/romancebooks, r/historicalfiction, r/horrorlit, r/fantasy and r/printsf.

You may not be ready yet, depending on how old you are, but sometime I would encourage you to read Flow the psychology of optimal experience by Csikzentmihalyi, Bowling Alone, Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, Watership Down, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Paper Castles, Captain's Courageous by Kipling, the Millionaire Next Door and Deep Survival by Gonzalez.

Best wishes for your future.


pichiquito t1_j6p3xkt wrote

It is interesting to go through this experience of disillusionment. I’m old now, and I’ve gone through what you describe several times in my life. Everything always changes, all the time.

You might check out the book “Experiments in Truth” by Ram Dass. The audiobook is excellent, narrated by the author. He talks about how our mind will always be unsatisfied in its search for understanding, and he talks about how the wisdom of the heart is about loving and accepting. When the mind is out of tune with the heart, it’s a recipe for disillusionment. To quote John Prine, “Your heart gets bored with your mind and it changes you.”

Good luck!


books-ModTeam t1_j6pbr5o wrote

Hi there. Per rule 3.3, please post book recommendation requests in /r/SuggestMeABook or in our Weekly Recommendation Thread. Thank you!