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Dandibear t1_j6ip5w8 wrote

The right to stare at the same page for ten minutes while distracted


Your_Product_Here t1_j6jn9ln wrote

In public, once my ear zeros in on a stray conversation, I am done for.


CopperSavant t1_j6k03lx wrote

Menus with pictures for me. I can't stop looking and staring.. comprehending nothing and end up ordering two chicken tacos out of blissful panic. Happy cake day.


katietatey t1_j6ku5f0 wrote

Used to be impervious to this as a child. My parents would be in the car calling my name over and over to get my attention and I just wouldn't hear them at all. As an adult, I can't tune out surroundings anymore. Wah!


varda_elentari_913 t1_j6ldfm1 wrote

I'm a teenager, and it's a odd mix of the two for me. Sometimes, I can't hear when I read, and sometimes I can. It really depends on how good the book if for me,


corranhorn57 t1_j6js7br wrote

I would like to replace the right to read out loud with that one.


notbusy t1_j6jvfyr wrote

Oh, if only I could get all those hours of my life back!


sexybackproblems t1_j6kaeg6 wrote

Eh, I'd have spent them less profitably. Maybe that's really what we needed to do in that moment.


PreciousRoi t1_j6kc786 wrote

Its not so much a petit mal seizure, I'm just exercising my rights!


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j6km50v wrote

Or read the same page over again after you fell asleep while reading that page - most likely multiple times.