SIMDecent_exposure t1_j5e6uwv wrote
Rather than books, might I recommend that you stop slinging benzos and going to prison?
If you refuse to take that advice, read all of James Clavell's Asian Saga. It is so very good.
Season666 OP t1_j5e71b0 wrote
Appreciate the advice mate.
I don't normally sell drugs. When do I? When I'm strung out on heroin. To support my habit. Hence why I know going back will actually be a positive thing. I swore I wouldn't go back after the first time, getting strung out again had different ideas.
Thanks for the suggestion
SIMDecent_exposure t1_j5e7j6x wrote
Good luck. Hope you stay clean for good this time.
Those books are thick, and will burn a lot of hours. Perfect for prison, I would imagine.
Season666 OP t1_j5e83z8 wrote
Right on, added to my list. Thanks man
Any-Fee55 t1_j5ecne9 wrote
💪💪good luck!! Stay strong
[deleted] t1_j5engaj wrote
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