The_Great_Oz253 t1_j51bvkg wrote
A lot of people I’ve talked to say that the beneficial part of traditional reading over other forms of media specifically is that you use more of your mind in that you have to interpret the symbols on the page, determine their meaning, and then connect them to form a mental image of the scene rather than just looking at the scene on a TV or comic. In this way, reading a books of any kind with complex ideas and scenery is beneficial; no matter it’s context or genre. Basically, the further from solely written words you get, the less your mind has to do to interpret the story, meaning your mind can be less active.
RaderH2O OP t1_j51ip26 wrote
Oooooo that's an intriguing standpoint.
As you said, when you read, not only are you interpreting the text, but also you're depicting it. That in itself requires some thinking and could be seen as an exercise for the brain and your imagination! Thanks for commenting!
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