MyBoobsAreEuropean t1_j6mulzx wrote
Give it to charity book shops or goodwill (dunno if they have those in your country) or sell it on ebay that way the person who gets it will be doing so deliberately.
Seriously, just because you find it offensive doesn't mean it has no redeemable qualities it's not like it's a nazi propaganda, and I mention that deliberately since destroying books because of their contents was big with that crowd. There's actually quite a lot of books such as this which explore transgressive themes usually deliberately and often with reason. Would you destroy a dvd of the exorcist, a copy of Grand theft auto, or the painting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan?
I've not read this and it seems like it's just be trashy horror but I don't think you should destroy it simply because you found it vile when someone else might have a stronger stomach and get something out of it. The blurb on the back indicates pretty well what the book is about and it's clearly not puppies and unicorns so anyone who picks it up should be aware of what they are getting into. Art is subjective and even trashy horror deserves some respect and has millions of fans who would probably like to have this.
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