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aditya_77 t1_j6gtwek wrote

I'm a 18yrs old boy, I haven't read a single book in past other than my academic books, can you recommend me some good reads to get started


[deleted] t1_j6hslnz wrote



_ttrixie_ t1_j6iavne wrote

in my opinion, i feel like these are the worst types of books that you can recommend to people who dont read at all. Coraline by Neil Gaiman is short book, but when you read it it's so hard to finish it. The worst and longest two hours of my life. I wouldnt recommend.


aditya_77 t1_j6idivh wrote

I would like to know what would you recommend.


_ttrixie_ t1_j6idn8e wrote

well, it depends on what genre


aditya_77 t1_j6idvp8 wrote

My interest of topics are psychology, philosophy and history.


_ttrixie_ t1_j6ig1kr wrote

For beginners, from philosophy genre, I would recommend The Little Book of Stoicism by Jonas Salzgeber, it uses simple language, its not very long. It's a simple guide to stoicism with some practises to try. I'd also recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, its a lil harder to go through, but it's a classic and I think it's worth it. It can really change your mindset and you will think about this book daily. From history I'm not sure what you are interested in, but my recommendations is The Last Leonardo: The Secret Lives of the World's Most Expensive Paintings by Ben Lewis. This discuss both history and renessance, also the life of Leonardo and what happened to make the painting so expensive. I'm not really into those genres, but I read some books and I hope I helped :) Sorry for not touching the subject of psychology books, but I dont think I've ever read any.


aditya_77 t1_j6ii1gm wrote

Thank you very much, I will definitely check them out once I'm finished reading (man's search for meaning) and i also want to touch on The Untethered Soul, reviews on this book are great.

I just started reading my first book today and honestly I can't sit for very long, I finished the 7th page and my mind already started wandering:( for now I'll just stick to reading 10-15 pages a day until it becomes a habit and then I'll slowly increase my speed, anyways thank you once again have a great day.


_ttrixie_ t1_j6iib5z wrote

maybe try listening to music while reading? also take your book everywhere with you, it can help you with reading more :) good luck!


aditya_77 t1_j6i43bn wrote

Thanks for the recommendation bro, i will definitely check Neil Gaiman's books.

And also one more question. I was thinking about reading "The Untethered Soul" what do you think ?