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nostradamoose96 t1_j5fxrgn wrote

Yeah Kiyosaki is the Amway guy.

Bill Gavin, founder of Amway, helped get Robert Kiyosaki published and also had a distribution deal with Gavin that made Kiyosaki millions of dollars by forcing Amway reps to buy the tape for Rich Dad Poor Dad. His books become required reading for MLMs and he never speaks out against them for being predatory "businesses" which don't align with his views on financial literacy.

Here is a great post showing how Kiyosaki's books get used by MLMs to scam people. They hear Kiyosaki and mistakenly draw the same conclusions that you do.


SefiSasonov OP t1_j5fy8ev wrote

I really would like to read it, going to check it out.

but still in my opinion and in some other point of you it can teach a lot


nostradamoose96 t1_j5fyzqc wrote

The Rich Dad Company also went bankrupt in 2012 so.


SefiSasonov OP t1_j5g2a9h wrote

It doesn't really matter me if they went bankrupt ... and of course i know it.

I care about what the book it self can teach about personal behavior