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wjbc t1_j5vc5zr wrote

Why the West Rules—For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future, a history book by a British historian Ian Morris, published in 2010. It has nothing to do with psychopaths, but it changed my perspective on life, and it contained some dark thoughts. Essentially Morris examines the way civilizations rise and fall over history, and suggests that in the long run -- i.e., anything much longer than one powerful person's lifetime -- people have little control over history.

He also suggests that the next collapse of civilization will be global, because we are now a global civilization. He suggests several possibilities for and signs of that collapse, which has been long delayed through ever accelerating technological innovations since the Industrial Revolution. There's no guarantee that technological innovations can continue to accelerate fast enough to hold off collapse, and the longer the collapse is delayed the more devastating it is likely to be.


Lump-of-baryons t1_j5vew8l wrote

I’ll suggest anything by Cormac McCarthy. Blood Meridian was one that really stuck with me.


Slummish t1_j5vio7c wrote

The Art of War

It totally changed my relationship with my mother-in-law...


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j5vpaww wrote

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