Recent comments in /f/books
trumpskiisinjeans t1_jef0zoi wrote
Reply to comment by trap_queen1234 in What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
Did you read Survive the Night? That was my “I’m giving him ONE more chance book”. I think his marketing team is amazing because his books are all so hyped but I think I’m finally done falling for it.
vibraltu t1_jef0yzg wrote
If you haven't read Grant's own memoirs, his writing style is rather exquisite. Now that's one of my favourite books.
Griffen_07 t1_jef0yfl wrote
Reply to comment by Omi-Wan_Kenobi in Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
If this is deep and well written than all of space opera counts.
CaptnRonn t1_jef0vxn wrote
Reply to comment by Grandtheatrix in Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
[deleted] t1_jef0t4j wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
CaptnRonn t1_jef0sjp wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds
Omi-Wan_Kenobi t1_jef0siy wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
Honor Harrington series by David Weber. Main series has ~10 or so books, plus bunch of short stories and spin offs in universe.
Griffen_07 t1_jef0qdx wrote
Reply to comment by Sumtimesagr8notion in Why do some books/authors get away with "purple prose" by [deleted]
Yes but that also goes back to intent. There is a fashion in certain literary circles to make it so a work has to be picked apart and footnoted to make sense. This is stuff like Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake that are not made to be enjoyed. However, when you get to non-standard form and style while trying to be a book sold for entertainment that it is purple.
TunaLaguna t1_jef0inm wrote
Reply to comment by Raindrops_On-Roses in Do you skip or skim when reading fiction? by GraniteGeekNH
You're working pretty hard to make sure everyone knows that this means nothing to you, and you're not bothered, yet you've been at it for 17 hours now. I am done with this conversation. If you can't tell by the downvotes, it would seem you're wasting your time. Buh-bye!
lostulysses t1_jef0fvn wrote
If a work has a particular set of qualities that permeate its theme and those qualities are unique compared to any existing genre, then you have created a genre. It's also, I think, about quantity. One work that is unique is quirky. A long series of works by many different authors with the same themes is a genre.
If you created a book about a world run by spiders (which evolved that way and not by technology) and humans as annoying, scary little creatures and then other authors, filmmakers and artists started doing the same with the repeated trope of a spider-run planet, that would eventually become a genre. Some will say that it's science fiction but it's not. Speculative fiction? Sure. But speculative fiction transcends genre whether it's alternative history, fantasy, science fiction, litfic or whatever.
InvisibleSpaceVamp t1_jef03es wrote
Reply to Complete silence by d_brasse
What about white noise? Because I mean, it hardly ever is 100% quiet. I live in a very quiet street but right now I can hear the wind and it has been raining several times today and when I open the window I can hear the birds ... but only if I focus. Normally it all just fades in the background.
If you don't mind these kinds of noises try ambient videos to cover the noises you do mind.
Raindrops_On-Roses t1_jeezv0m wrote
Reply to comment by TunaLaguna in Do you skip or skim when reading fiction? by GraniteGeekNH
Embarrassing? I'm not embarrassed by anonymous conversations on the internet. This has no impact on my actual life. It's just a time killer between tasks, responsibilities, and activities. As I told somebody else in this thread, made-up internet points mean absolutely nothing to me. I already left this sub, so a ban wouldn't impact me at all, and even if I hadn't, it's one sub out of countless subs that I can join. Shit, I could be banned from all of reddit, and I would just find a different way to kill some time. This is just a good time, lmao. I'm having fun. That's why most of us engage in leisure activities.
n3ws4cc t1_jeezk7k wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
Try the children of time trilogy by adrian tchaikovsky!
madmagazines t1_jeezhxw wrote
Reply to comment by lilac_mascara in What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
Literally. The whole Brushwick (whatever his name was) reveal was a fever dream and didn’t really feel like something that would actually happen. I don’t really see how this 10yo helped lure all these victims that were like 17 and help dispose of their bodies. Would have worked better if he was closer in age to the victims like the case it was based on.
I’m not sure I’m ready for the third book now you say it aha, is the serial killer in book 3 also an awkward pastiche for a real life case?
goodmorninga OP t1_jeez9sy wrote
Reply to comment by Beyond_Reason09 in I just feel so betrayed by "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Someone humble me as to what I am missing. by goodmorninga
looking back now, it was pedantic of me. to be fair though it was pretty late when i was writing this and I was heightened. my bad.
UnspentTx t1_jeez4vr wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
You might try the Culture series by Iain M. Banks
chocoboat t1_jeeyqby wrote
Reply to comment by KoeiNL in Dealing with books where the main character's situation appears hopeless by KennyTerson
Well, in that case OP wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway, so it would save him the time and effort of following a character through all this hardship and have it all be for nothing.
Felaguin t1_jeeyngm wrote
Reply to How do you make a habit of reading for leisure, not only for university studies? by bunga_Berapi
Make a point of carrying a book or ereader with you all the time. If ereader, load it with only books that are NOT related to your studies. Open the book or ereader and read a few pages or even paragraphs whenever you’re on the toilet, waiting for or on a bus, in a waiting room, etc.
TunaLaguna t1_jeeym51 wrote
Reply to comment by Raindrops_On-Roses in Do you skip or skim when reading fiction? by GraniteGeekNH
You're not irritating me half as much as you're just embarrassing yourself lmao
KermitTheArgonian t1_jeeyjfv wrote
Reply to Deep, well-written sci-fi sagas by perky_blossom
The MaddAddam Trilogy by Margaret Atwood
BurlyKnave t1_jeey55l wrote
Reply to Complete silence by d_brasse
You could try some audiobooks about meditation. Meditation is mostly about mental discipline -- calming and quieting all the thoughts that keep distracting us.
I should probably do that myself.
forman98 t1_jeey4b3 wrote
Reply to comment by 0YaKnow in Complete silence by d_brasse
Talking does it for me. I just can't absorb anything if someone is talking to me while the TV also has someone speaking. I can read in a large crowd (like an airport) but if I just hear someone speaking close by or there is a singular TV on that I can hear, then I end up tuning into that.
trap_queen1234 t1_jeey2yv wrote
Reply to comment by trumpskiisinjeans in What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
The House Across the Lake was by far the worst book I read last year. I’m giving him one more chance with his 2023 book, but if it sucks as bad as The House…I’m done with him as an author!
UnspentTx t1_jeexxfp wrote
Reply to comment by twenty-six-sixty-six in I love this sub by tommy_the_bat
Just went and checked out r/truelit and this is how their sub's description starts:
> The premier place on reddit for discussing books and literature, both fictional and non-fictional alike.
So, like, they discuss books that really exist and also fake, made-up books...? 😆
Skittles7015 t1_jef124r wrote
Reply to What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
Verity by Colleen Hoover- the entire plot of the book was a dramatic build up to the moment of truth, which ultimately never came