Recent comments in /f/books
LinIsStrong t1_jefk1s5 wrote
Reply to Stoner by John Williams blew me away by BroncoAccountant
I dunno. Certainly the prose is clean and elegant, but it was hard for me to care about any of the characters, as Stoner seemed so passive. No “captain of my soul, master of my fate” stuff here. He came across to me more like a man seeking refuge and solace in his own dreamworld and the ideas of others, to the detriment of his own life. I did not walk away from that book with any deep insights or feelings beyond an inchoate sadness.
Well-written and beautifully crafted, yes. A place on my own personal top-ten list, no.
wolf781 t1_jefjw35 wrote
>In addition, some zombie stories feature unrealistic character behavior. For example, characters may split up and wander off alone, even though it's clear that this is dangerous and could lead to their death
And this right here shows you've never dealt with a group of humans under incredibly stressful situations.
Character_Vapor t1_jefj3rz wrote
Reply to comment by Handyandy58 in Do you skip or skim when reading fiction? by GraniteGeekNH
> As if it is sinful to stop reading books
There's nothing wrong with no finishing a book you're not into. Nothing at all.
Bout routinely just skipping chunks of books because you can't be bothered to put in the effort of experiencing the book the way it was written? Also fine I guess, no one will stop you, but it doesn't seem like you actually value these books as being worth your time or worth paying attention to. It's a failure of curiosity.
AnnChristy_Z t1_jefio0d wrote
Reply to comment by MorriganJade in The Real Problem with Zombie-Themed Novels and Series by Jin-Vincenzo
I think the important distinction with Girl, which was an absolutely fantastic book, is that the people there were still alive when they became hungries. They were zombie-like, but not specifically zombies. It twisted it in a truly beautiful way. The fungus angle was brilliant.
Character_Vapor t1_jefim66 wrote
>Particularly if you're reading for pleasure, do what pleases you!
If all I cared about was pleasure, I'd spend all my free time jerking off.
Obviously, do what you want, no one is going to kick down your door to stop you. But someone who regularly skips whole chapters or skims on the reg doesn't actually strike me as someone who genuinely cares about books or writing. They're just using a book as a dopamine button, useful only in is function to indulge themselves. It's not rooted in any sort of interest or valuing of literature as a thing to be savored and appreciated on its own terms.
[deleted] t1_jefibt6 wrote
Bluest_waters t1_jefiaeb wrote
Reply to comment by n3ws4cc in Weekly Recommendation Thread: March 31, 2023 by AutoModerator
> the juggler of notre dame
thank you but in all versions of that story a statue of Mary comes to life and does weird shit. Nothing like that happens in this story. I think its more grounded and more about human interactions. That story is very very catholic, the one I am thinking about really isn't.
But I appreciate the effort!
okiegirl22 t1_jefi90v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Weekly Recommendation Thread: March 31, 2023 by AutoModerator
This thread is for asking for suggestions on which books to read. Your question is more appropriate for r/WhatsThatBook or r/TipOfMyTongue.
okiegirl22 t1_jefi5ed wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Weekly Recommendation Thread: March 31, 2023 by AutoModerator
This thread is for asking for suggestions on which books to read. Your question is more appropriate for our Simple Questions thread, which posts every Tuesday and Saturday. A link to the most recent one can be found in the sidebar.
n3ws4cc t1_jefhxwf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Weekly Recommendation Thread: March 31, 2023 by AutoModerator
I poked chatGPT for a bit and learned that your description sounds like its based of an old french myth called 'the juggler of notre dame'. It has been turned into many adaptations so maybe searching with that will help out. (The clown of god is based off it too so that might explain the similarities).
emisneko t1_jefhq95 wrote
Reply to comment by emisneko in Gulag Archipelago Volume 2 - Thoughts by Squiby123
oh and btw once he was living in America he publicly urged the continuation of US bombing in Vietnam
> in decrying the “cruel mistake” of opposition to the Vietnam War, he warned: “If a full-fledged America suffered a real defeat from a small communist half-country, how can the West hope to stand firm in the future?”
AnnChristy_Z t1_jefhjls wrote
Reply to comment by inscopia in Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson challenges Audible over “poor” deal terms by HRJafael
Wow...thank you so much!
Julieann1970 t1_jefhd7z wrote
Reply to Complete silence by d_brasse
I also have an issue with noise distraction. The tv, radio, music get in the way of me taking in what I am reading. Strangely the quietest place I have found is our local church. The only thing is that the pews are not very comfortable….🙄
[deleted] t1_jefh25o wrote
Reply to Complete silence by d_brasse
cantspellrestaraunt t1_jefh0x3 wrote
Reply to comment by I-Pop-Bubbles in Bestselling author Brandon Sanderson challenges Audible over “poor” deal terms by HRJafael
Keep this same energy when your groceries go up by 60%
Publishing, as an industry, has never been more lucrative than it is currently, and writers have never been paid less.
Amazon having total market dominance, and taking 80% of royalties (despite contributing nothing to the production process) is obscene.
Amazon famously use books as 'loss leaders' to support their other products/advertising. They can afford to undersell every other retailer, and lose money on books, because they have a trillion-dollar company backing them. They do not care if the author makes no money. They are the only option, and they are a terrible option.
Your arguments in favour of Audible are only demonstrating ignorance on your part. You do not understand what is happening to the publishing industry at wide.
Authors deserve a living wage.
minimalist_coach t1_jefg7x3 wrote
Reply to How do you make a habit of reading for leisure, not only for university studies? by bunga_Berapi
When I'm trying to add something into my life that I "want" to do, but I have so many things that I "need" to do, I have to set time aside on my calendar. If I'm really busy, I'll set timers to start the activity and a timer to end the activity so I don't feel guilty for not getting back to the things I need to get done.
I recommend starting with small chunks of time, 15-30 minutes 1-2 times a day. There are programs that you can put on your phone or laptop that will limit your access to certain apps or websites. I have a friend who has on that has a pop up when she tries to go onto social media that asks if this is how she wants to spend her time. It also has a timer that has a snarky comment that will pop up every 15 minutes.
d_brasse OP t1_jeffxi9 wrote
Reply to comment by betterotto in Complete silence by d_brasse
Thanks I'll try it. I'll let you know if I remember too
gmwzio t1_jeffwu3 wrote
Reply to comment by friarparkfairie in What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
Sure! And I’m glad you like them. But I don’t read fictional mysteries to make me feel like I’m in the real world. I’ve got enough of the real world as it is.
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jeffu57 wrote
Hi! Your post is more appropriate for a writing sub. Check out /r/writing, please check their rules before posting. Good luck!
We_Get_It_You_Vape t1_jeffn56 wrote
Reply to comment by Griffen_07 in Do you think it's still possible to create new genres? by DiagonallyStripedRat
> Since you are focusing on dictionaries, Webster defines a sub-genre as one that belongs to a larger genre.
It's funny you didn't post Webster's full definition. We both know why that is.
Their definition of sub-genre is, "a genre that is part of a larger genre".
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jefey3k wrote
Reply to How do you make a habit of reading for leisure, not only for university studies? by bunga_Berapi
Hi there. This subject has been very popular in the past. Please use reddit search and/or check the /r/books/wiki/faq.
MorriganJade t1_jefev72 wrote
I've only read The girl with all the gifts by Carey and it didn't have these problems. I really like it. I think it's fine if they aren't consistent to each other, other creatures, like vampires and elves, tend to be different too
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jefet9h wrote
Hi there. Per rule 3.3, please post book recommendation requests in /r/SuggestMeABook or in our Weekly Recommendation Thread. Thank you!
CraftyRole4567 t1_jefes39 wrote
Reply to comment by Primary-Initiative52 in Need some help from Jane Eyre fans... by poohfan
Ha! We who grew up in the 80s learned this on the show Airwolf! I have no idea why anyone reads Jane Eyre without watching Airwolf first …
Klau5_Dieter t1_jefk682 wrote
Reply to comment by forman98 in Complete silence by d_brasse
I don't mind when people are talking. That's more of a problem if I'm trying to listen to something while people are talking as I am very bad at filtering out sounds. However, I use a different sense for reading than listening, so reading is no problem.
Also, it helps if I read in German while people around me are chatting in English. It's kind of like an extra cognitive barrier.