Recent comments in /f/books
Dusty_Chapel t1_jegfojk wrote
Reply to Would Lord of the Flies be the same story if it was boys and girls stranded on the island instead of just boys? by Ill_Definition8074
Anyone who’s been to an all-boys school knows that boys become a special kind of feral when there are no girls around, especially in that preadolescent stage. I’d wager that it would’ve been an entirely different dynamic if there were girls on that plane.
quack-itswhack OP t1_jegflz3 wrote
Reply to comment by Bright_Broccoli1844 in What did you guys think of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb? by quack-itswhack
What I loved about the pajama top is that not only do I have one that says that, but I just got done reading another book that briefly pokes fun at people who wear shirts that say, “Namastay in bed.” Lol
DiagonallyStripedRat OP t1_jegfl8b wrote
Reply to comment by Dan_Felder in Do you think it's still possible to create new genres? by DiagonallyStripedRat
What's LLM-Romance?
mitkah16 t1_jegfgz0 wrote
Reply to comment by DiagonallyStripedRat in Just finished The Sword of Destiny (The Witcher #2) by No_Cockroach_5048
But then it is the translation that adapts it? I don’t get it. Not saying you are not right. Or that I am wrong. Just that with reading it in English and googling the names of the monsters, they all connected to polish folklore. Which was cool. I did not google every single one of them, just the ones with trickier descriptions. From there I found also their legends which were from polish myths and fables. Good that it is more diverse and not only Polish stuff is there.
Still hate Yennefer tho hahaha
vibraltu t1_jegf4x0 wrote
Reply to I love this sub by tommy_the_bat
This sub tends to be limited to repeating the same conversations about a handful of selected authors/titles.
A few times I tried to make posts recommending some different titles by newer authors, and the mods hassled me because of "promotion" (true, I guess?) and "low-effort" (ouch. I could be worse).
I could go elsewhere, but hey it's the only game in town.
HauntedReader t1_jegf207 wrote
Reply to comment by bob_newhart in I made a book suggestion app powered by chatgpt that generates recommendations based on your favorite movies, books, and music! 📚🎥🎵 by bob_newhart
And here is the problem: I enjoy none of these books and would say that none of them (despite mentioning FOB) have a "vibe" with their music.
I just feel like correlating music to books is something that doesn't really work.
[deleted] t1_jegf008 wrote
Name of the game is death. Such a fast paced page turner. Then it just ends. Don’t want to ruin anything. Will just have to read for yourself. It’s a quick read.
GrudaAplam t1_jegexnw wrote
DiagonallyStripedRat OP t1_jegeuux wrote
Reply to comment by lostulysses in Do you think it's still possible to create new genres? by DiagonallyStripedRat
Oh. I think you hit the bullseye, nice
DiagonallyStripedRat OP t1_jegenx6 wrote
Reply to comment by NekoCatSidhe in Do you think it's still possible to create new genres? by DiagonallyStripedRat
This is a different topic but I can't help the feeling that ancient people didn't take their myths as literally as we think they did. Ever heard modern religious people say ,,oh the Bible/Quoran/Tora isn't to be taken literally, God isn't an old guy with a beard sitring on a cloud, these are all metaphores and paralels and parables that speak of an idea etc"?
What if ancient Greeks were like ,,oh the myth of Persephone isn't to be taken literally, I mean, she didn't ACTUALLY collapse beneath the crust of the earth! It simply meant, that..."
GrudaAplam t1_jegejiu wrote
Reply to Complete silence by d_brasse
Pray you don't get tinnitus. I've got it and I haven't enjoyed complete silence in decades. I currently have the news on tv and music on the radio and I can still hear the ringing.
Edcrfvh t1_jege8w2 wrote
Disagree. Zombies need to be internally consistent. Not consistent with books written by competitors. No one owns zombies. It does make sense to explain origins of plague when your characters would know it. Like a scientist. If main character is a lumberjack there's no reason for them to know exactly why zombies are running amuck. Variety is the spice of life. I can find something in zombie category I want to read.
JBinYYC t1_jegdokk wrote
Reply to comment by iSeize in Weekly Recommendation Thread: March 31, 2023 by AutoModerator
I just finished Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado. It was really good.
pearloz t1_jegdo8e wrote
Reply to comment by amazed_wanderer- in Would Lord of the Flies be the same story if it was boys and girls stranded on the island instead of just boys? by Ill_Definition8074
Oh yes, I loved the first season, haven’t finished the second
YakSure6091 t1_jegdniu wrote
Reply to counterfeit books by officialtif
Yes report it
AnnChristy_Z t1_jegdinu wrote
Reply to counterfeit books by officialtif
It's copyright infringement, so I would totally report them.
lizifer93 t1_jegd8a3 wrote
Reply to comment by TrogdorMcfuzz in What crime / thriller book has the most frustrating ending in your opinion? by FormerFruit
I LOVE this book and Tana French is one of my fave authors, but I never recommend this particular one to people because the ending is sooo unsatisfying. I understand it as a choice and respect the balls it took for a debut author to do that, but I also get how deeply frustrating it is.
DiagonallyStripedRat t1_jegd433 wrote
Reply to comment by mitkah16 in Just finished The Sword of Destiny (The Witcher #2) by No_Cockroach_5048
Oh well, I take it You read in English, so it was a very direct translation from original (Polish) to English. So a lot of the words that don't have the counterpart in English may have been Polish. Other Slavic languages do have their own words for those creatures, so in translations those were used. In short, You googled the untranslated into English Polish names, so got results in Polish.
But I don't know. I read the books in a Slavic language and it all seemed familiar and well translated, never had my hands on the English localisation (:
Aerosol668 t1_jegcjf7 wrote
Reply to comment by 0YaKnow in Complete silence by d_brasse
I listen to ambient or music when reading. There are several albums by Steve Buick, Music for Reading Horror/Science Fiction etc. that I find really work for me.
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jegcigm wrote
Reply to comment by mathias_black in Favorite short story writers, collections, even individual stories by mathias_black
Only if you want to. It has already been removed from the sub so you do not have to do anything.
CrazyCatLady108 t1_jegccob wrote
Reply to comment by bob_newhart in I made a book suggestion app powered by chatgpt that generates recommendations based on your favorite movies, books, and music! 📚🎥🎵 by bob_newhart
No, that would be a promotional comment.
bob_newhart OP t1_jegc8ny wrote
Reply to comment by CrazyCatLady108 in I made a book suggestion app powered by chatgpt that generates recommendations based on your favorite movies, books, and music! 📚🎥🎵 by bob_newhart
Could I post this in the booksuggestiions thread?
[deleted] t1_jegbwno wrote
Reply to comment by pearloz in Would Lord of the Flies be the same story if it was boys and girls stranded on the island instead of just boys? by Ill_Definition8074
They’re definitely going for the “girls will be violent too” angle. Which I greatly appreciate.
NeoPendragon117 t1_jegbr6v wrote
Reply to comment by CasualfarmerBOC in I am Casualfarmer, author of the web serial and novel Beware of Chicken. AMA! by CasualfarmerBOC
would it be possible to link to the pictures, these sound amazing
RoseIsBadWolf t1_jegg5t7 wrote
Reply to Would Lord of the Flies be the same story if it was boys and girls stranded on the island instead of just boys? by Ill_Definition8074
Lord of the Flies stuff has happened and it has never been like LoftF. People generally cooperate to survive.
When society is lost, humans just build new societies. We like them.