Submitted by kamikaze_girl t3_11edn96 in boston

Holy shit people in central Fl are paying Boston rents for a 1/1 or more. I was visiting clermont to see a sister of mine and she was telling me how they're charging $1800 for a 1/1.

I remember when a 1/1 would cost $700 in that area. Damn.



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RailRoad_Candy t1_jadf6po wrote

All of the Boomers just retired. The average work situation of even the youngest Boomer is retired. Give it 10 years and you'll see rents plummeting.


BfN_Turin t1_jadi7h1 wrote

Sorry to tell you, but the times of $1800 1 bedrooms in Boston are over too.


downthewell62 t1_jadnq31 wrote

Yup, as of like 5 years ago, no city in the country can you afford to rent a livable space on minimum wage. First it was big cities, then it was all cities. Now it's spreading to towns too.


ashhole613 t1_jadpjzv wrote

$7.25/hr in my home state in the south. I looked at houses in my little college hometown and it's $200k-$300k for anything halfway decent. I sold my house there for $85k in late 2016 for perspective. Rents are more than double what they were. I realize even the new prices sound cheap as fuck, but there are very few jobs that pay that kind of money down there outside of O&G work, both of which are feast or famine.


mpjjpm t1_jadps0z wrote

I think $1800 will still get you a shitty studio in Brighton

Edit: lol, nope. I just checked the shitty Brighton studio I lived in when I moved here is 2017. $2000/month for 455 sq ft, original 1960s features, and no amenities. At least there’s no broker fee.


EMF15Q t1_jadqa99 wrote

Yup. My parents retired in 2022 and moved to the Tampa area. They complained about how it wasn’t as cheap as they were lead to believe, but they conveniently forgot about mentioning the killing they made when selling their house in Hanover, tho.


downthewell62 t1_jadqmcb wrote

I just genuinely don't know what most people are going to do. I just don't know. Everything is being built too slowly and being scooped up by rental conglomerates who can charge whatever they want because people NEED houses.

Last I checked, a record high of 50% of millennials are living with their parents.


kindnotfriendly t1_jadrewd wrote

i guess i understood that unless i'm living with a romantic partner, it's roommates forever.


Wanderiing_Star t1_jady4k8 wrote

And people dare to wonder why the number of homeless on the streets keeps increasing by leaps and bounds...


Wanderiing_Star t1_jae5j57 wrote

The really sad part is that my roommate and I are headed to the Tampa Bay area for good on on 4/3 (she's got family there), and we can't find anywhere two middle-aged min-wage workers can afford either. We're crashing someone's living room until we can. I wonder how long we can hold out...


dtmfadvice t1_jae6cfw wrote

Gainesville tried to legalize infill construction and DeSantis overruled them. Normally he's in favor of property rights but not if a liberal city council does it and especially not when their motivation is affordability or inclusion.


bb5199 t1_jae8ukw wrote

Genuine question: how do you get to middle age and only have the skills for minimum wage? No skills? No experience that would garner greater than minimum wage? How did you get to 40+ and making minimum wage? Thanks.


bb5199 t1_jae9jdu wrote

Yep. If Haverhill had the rents I was willing to pay, I'd live in Haverhill. Or Framingham or wherever. I'd do that instead of whining about high rents on Reddit. Then I'd do something to improve my earnings if that was something that was important to me.


Rhubarbie13 t1_jaehnjf wrote

Exactly this. I pay $1,500 per month for a spacious 1-bed, 1-bath in Quincy right on the border of Dorchester.

Not technically Boston, but I realize that my probability of finding another well-lit, 1-bed, 1-bath apartment with a big kitchen in this area for $1,500 is just absolutely not going to happen. Landlord hasn't raised my rent since I moved in a few years ago, so I consider myself just super, super lucky.


DataRikerGeordiTroi t1_jaewn3w wrote

Hey- ill bite in case you are not a troll and just young or inexperienced.

Just because someone is low paid, does not mean they do not have important skills.

For most of time service industry was a fine salary. You could be a waitress or paint houses seasonally or be an EA in a school district or a CNA and have enough for rent and enough time & cognitive bandwidth to pursue your actual passions, or raise your family or care give for others.

It is only since about 2008 AND Citizens United that things became nightmarish & dystopian for the working classes. I did not say things were good, but they were less bad.

There are an infinite amount of pathways that would lead to THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF US CITIZENS AND BILLIONS of people globally who earn less than substance wages.

The person likely has skills, but the powers that be do not pay adequately.

Teachers including most adjunct college professors in most states make less than minutes wage.

Add in any single personal crisis- mental health, addiction, a mega bad break up, etc. and voila.

Most Americans are 1-2 paychecks away from actual financial ruin. EU and some other countries do NOT have these same schemes. Education and Medical is free in most other countries globally, including developing nations.

Its not that individuals are failing, it is systemic structures in place for a fairly short amount of time that are harming most people.

Thank you for making yourself vulnerable by sharing your ignorance. Hopefully this explainer helps you & encourages you to look into why things are so bad for so many.


AnyRound5042 t1_jaexqly wrote

It's a tough spot to be. Me and my ex actually broke up halfway through a lease. It ended as poorly as you imagine. If you don't mind having room mates again dm me in a few months and I can hook you up with a cheap 9/1 lease when I sign somewhere new you can have my current spot


BfN_Turin t1_jaf3o73 wrote

Nope, I bike or take public transportation since that’s the reasonable thing to do in a major metropolitan area. Granted though, gotta pay sticker price for that T pass.