I was literally dodging sheets of ice on my morning commute today
IDrinkSaladDressing t1_j9ticgq wrote
I’ve given up on expecting anyone to do anything they should these days
Neuroticperiscope t1_j9timbh wrote
If your ice sheet falls on me when I’m behind you you’ve made a new friend. Now wherever you’re driving to, is where WE are driving to 🤣
Master_Dogs t1_j9tipiw wrote
Just make it like the seatbelt reminder - a quiet reminder at first, then a really annoying beeping.
I legit buckle up even to shuffle cars around so I don't hear that the beep beep BEEP BEEP ^(BEEP) BEEP BEEP BEEP.
I imagine people with 15+ minute commutes or drives would quickly just clear the snow vs suffer through endless beeping.
Of course, this would cost auto makers $2 a car, so the car lobby will fight it and no politician will support it without risking big political donations. 🫠
jtet93 t1_j9tkulc wrote
Idk. I’ve been in UBERS who literally drive around all day where the driver doesn’t have their seatbelt on and it’s just “ding…. Ding…. Ding….” For the entire trip.
Its_me_mikey t1_j9tkx2i wrote
Pretty much no one did that this morning
figment1979 t1_j9tl6po wrote
Maybe every time the brake pedal is pushed, the horn sounds if there's anything sitting on the roof.
True Top Gear/Grand Tour style. 🤣
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9tmaqp wrote
No. ❤️
Flowing93 t1_j9tne88 wrote
You're the problem
Master_Dogs t1_j9tpo5k wrote
Sure, with any safety feature some people are bound to ignore it. Heck maybe someone crafty enough just cuts a cord or unplugs a sensor.
But I'd bet you could greatly reduce the number of uncleared cars for a pretty small amount of money overall.
YourPlot t1_j9tpuvf wrote
I brushed off the top of my car and had that thin layer of ice left that just wouldn’t come off. I felt so guilty later when I heard the whole thing slide off at a stop sign.
boardmonkey t1_j9ts6t4 wrote
This morning I was laughing as I was driving on 93 north. Every once in a while a layer of snow would pop off a car and go flying into the air like some sort of car confetti celebration.
d0nutd0n OP t1_j9tu27b wrote
Better at a stop sign than on the freeway!
sweatpantswarrior t1_j9tuc8k wrote
Cleared the car for my wife last night. Woke up to a fucking layer of ice this morning instead.
No good deed goes unpunished.
DunkinRadio t1_j9tusw4 wrote
Good advice, and also: dig out your hydrant. Nobody does that either, anymore (except for me).
albnon t1_j9ty77h wrote
People suck.
octopodes1 t1_j9tyrvq wrote
Here's why to anyone that doesn't think this is important: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lKCmxcDDBM
DooceBigalo t1_j9tzqnh wrote
It was not easy trying to get almost an inch of ice of your car today
bahbahrapsheet t1_j9u10s3 wrote
Yup. Sliding off is fine. It’s flying off that causes problems.
ZzeroBeat t1_j9u204w wrote
Friends dont let friends punch drive with ice sheets on their car
ZzeroBeat t1_j9u2cxw wrote
Its good you cleared the snow before it froze though. Then its a real chore, and you cause way more scratches
Neuroticperiscope t1_j9u2kra wrote
Why would preventing the horn do a thing to alert someone - do you beep when you start your car or something? I almost never use mine, it could have broken a week ago for all I know.
DooDooBrownz t1_j9u2xz7 wrote
you can disable the seat belt chime on every vehicle. it's usually something like putting the turning the key to acc or single pressing the start button to turn on the electics and then just plugging and unplugging the seat belt X number of times withing a certain time period and then shutting off the car and restarting it and presto no more seat belt chime. you can do the same thing with door locking, so it either sounds the horn on lock or does make a beep or no noise at all
JangSaverem t1_j9u84ix wrote
Multiple accidents going out to southern ma this morning...
abhikavi t1_j9u9hob wrote
You can also buy seat belt clips to have something unattached to the belt that plugs in, or you can clip in the seat belt loosely and just sit in front of it.
I don't understand how these things are less effort than just wearing the seat belt, but they're both things I've seen people do.
aehsonairb t1_j9u9pzd wrote
lol i just posted a pic in r/massachusetts of a driver that stopped at a red light and the snow on their roof piled up on their windshield. great karma! they then tried to use the wipers to clear it with no avail, hopefully a lesson learned!!
abhikavi t1_j9u9tce wrote
Friendly reminder?
This is Boston, is it not acceptable here to give someone the finger because their car is full of snow? That's rhetorical, of course it is. You can also lay on the horn when you get a blast of confetti because of their lazy ass.
CoolAbdul t1_j9ud0t6 wrote
Wait. Isn't this Boston?
CoolAbdul t1_j9udc3f wrote
I am going to get "people are no damn good" translated into Latin and make it my family motto.
Croburke t1_j9ug1md wrote
I wish the person who broke my windshield this morning saw this post :( now I have to pay $400 for someone being fucking stupid
UpsideMeh t1_j9uir1p wrote
This am in metro west more then half the cars I saw still had snow on the roofs, let alone ice.
Scytle t1_j9ujq69 wrote
i have had this shit hit me while I am on my bicycle, its not fun. Thankfully it was all fluffy stuff when it happened to me, but I couldn't see shit, and it was pretty nasty.
I can only imagine what would happen if a big sheet of ice slid off a van or something.
jesse-bob t1_j9ukir7 wrote
Are you sure your comprehensive insurance doesn't cover it?
lelduderino t1_j9ukku9 wrote
> Or makes the horn beep like a car alarm if the snow isn't cleared off and you are driving.
You're not going far enough. What we need is a DUI-like ignition interlock.
TheManFromFairwinds t1_j9umff8 wrote
Spoiler: If that person saw this post, they still would not have cleared the snow off their roof.
hiphiprenee t1_j9unwvq wrote
I almost died a few years ago because of someone like you. You’re gross. 💜
Croburke t1_j9uo8tq wrote
Sadly no, my brother had to replace his windshield a year ago and they made him pay out of pocket for it and they are making me do the same
sawbones84 t1_j9urnic wrote
If you have enough time to do so, you can run your car for about 15 or so minutes with the heat on full blast. It will warm the roof up enough to loosen up the ice so that you should be able to fully dislodge it.
lifeisakoan t1_j9usro8 wrote
Lexington fire chief took a pretty hard hit this morning. https://twitter.com/LexFire_L1491/status/1629166843712745476
lifeisakoan t1_j9ut6db wrote
> people are no damn good
I guess there is no good translation of "damn". https://translate.google.com/;?sl=auto&tl=la&text=people%20are%20no%20damn%20good&op=translate
Thendsel t1_j9uu014 wrote
Agreed. Normally I concur with the sentiment provided by the original poster, but even before the second round of sleet and freezing rain last night, trying to get the first round of ice and snow off yesterday was exceptionally difficult.
Formal_Survey_6187 t1_j9uwfz2 wrote
had to crack the ice with the scraper like a pick to get it to come off
Saw a old guy using his arms to clear his windshield after half his roof snow/ice came down onto this windshield. Luckily I was in the other lane.
SinibusUSG t1_j9ux7pk wrote
Can't say the radio didn't warn them about Ice-is attacks.
BetterCallSaul30119 t1_j9v1kra wrote
But I'm selfish and self centered why should I care how things affect other people? This is sarcasm by the way. I cannot stand when drivers won't take 2 more minutes to brush the top of their car.
Scribblr t1_j9v2q9x wrote
If we’re adding car features, just add a defroster to the roof
NotAHost t1_j9v44za wrote
I ran it with remote start this morning for 20 minutes and it still wouldn't budge when trying to do it by hand. I accidentally found out that hitting the gas at a stop sign will do the trick though.
[deleted] t1_j9v6m0e wrote
Living_Season_5595 t1_j9v6y0x wrote
An acquaintance of mine just had their entire windshield cracked up (thankfully he is safe) from someone’s car that was not cleaned off while on the highway. Definitely worth doing even if you don’t think the amount of snow/ice on your car is “that much”
nchoe123 t1_j9vbkf9 wrote
homines damnati sunt
Bidiggity t1_j9vhehz wrote
I turned off the seatbelt chime in a previous car because the sensor was just so damn sensitive. A package of tortillas was enough to set it off
nodonaldplease t1_j9vkvrf wrote
Had an ice sheet from a mini van come out and crash in front of me on i90.. the crashing sound of ice on road was terrifying... it wasn't busy... light traffic... but it was a surreal moment for me to experience that...
Thankfully no one was hurt...
But this is serious... folks need to take time and clear off the vehicles before driving...
kobeyashidog t1_j9vm921 wrote
It’s absolutely infuriating driving out there. I do not understand why the cops don’t stop people for this.
Malforus t1_j9vox6o wrote
This is why it should be a moving violation with mandatory minimum fines.
YourPlot t1_j9vsdyw wrote
I also did remote start for over 15min. Just didn’t get warm enough.
manmonk82 t1_j9vy9vg wrote
Scratched the top of my car cleaning this shit off
that_was_funny_lol t1_j9w8763 wrote
In my experience, nobody read this today.
shrinktb t1_j9wo2ur wrote
Today was a wild one. So many sheets of snow flipping up into the air and crashing back down on 128 and Rt. 2
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9wz9mq wrote
Same. Minus the guilt.
We live in winter. Ice sheets happen. It’s a fact of life. We need to go back to 2000 when people were hearty enough to understand and accept this
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x0q5v wrote
Getting so tired of this new age NE lecture from Those who don’t even know about the blizzard of 78
We live in NE. Snow and ice is life during the winter. We do the best we can. If you want to live here then expect some snow and ice blow off that we can’t always get off the car become it’s literally frozen on when you have to drive. I don’t get the super feels about living in NE and occasionally having snow fly at you. It’s literally life here. And we all live through it.
Your description says it all. Super dramatic. “I was literally dodging sheets of ice on my morning commute”
Well, ice dodger. I got up. Got ready for work by 5 am when temps are still absurd. Ran the car for 25 minutes despite the cost of gas in an effort to warm the entire car. I’m a 5’3 woman who also has three kids and drives a 4WD SUV because it’s safer in the snow for my kids. I have a long snow scraper/ shovel. Still can’t really reach the roof adequately. I make the effort. But when it gets wet and freezes over and I can barely reach and I make every effort, I’m not going to not go to work just in case a non-new englander might be offended if ice flies off my car. I also don’t get upset when someone else’s ice hit me. Like the entire sheet that hit my windshield on the way home. Like pull over and make sure your windshield isn’t broken kind of ice sheet. And I hold nothing against the guy in that car who lost ice. Know why? Cuz I also get that guy. The new age sanctimonious lectures about “make sure you clean off your car, etc happy horseshit” are getting old.
You live in New England. Ice and snow happen. Expect it and deal. Extend the same kindness warrior to other people. Show the same empathy you’re expecting from others and understanding that our cars ice over and we do the best we can but this is where we live. You’re not the hero in an Indiana Jones movie dodging rabid vampire bats. You’re not the hero here. Extend some empathy and understanding to the other people on the road. Most people are well intentioned an do our best.
If you live here during winter, ice is going to hit your car. Welcome
Aramyth t1_j9x24m6 wrote
I did but the entire roof of my car is glass. Also, I have a Florida plate.
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x2xeq wrote
Yes. Inevitable to a degree regardless of what we do. It’s just a part of life and it’s ridiculous to complain about.
Soon you’ll see posts from peoples whose feelings are hurt because someone at a red light in the financial district beeped their horn too quickly when the light turned green
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x34pd wrote
Those of us who have lived here forever know this. I did 25 minutes this morning at 5 am. Didn’t make a dent.
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x384s wrote
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x3din wrote
How do you live in MA and not carry windshield coverage?
George_GeorgeGlass t1_j9x3g37 wrote
Also this
Ravensinger777 t1_j9xa4vl wrote
I thought it was?
Ravensinger777 t1_j9xaadg wrote
Now that is the response I expect from Boston. Brava.
MintyAnt t1_j9y26pt wrote
We live in New England. You are prepared to dress for any temperature, and you deal with the snow and ice on your car before heading out.
[deleted] t1_j9y5jq9 wrote
HoneydewOk1731 t1_j9yizbo wrote
Haha splendid post
peri_5xg t1_j9yurs4 wrote
I woke up to ice on the INSIDE of my car. Ugh
[deleted] t1_ja029kx wrote
George_GeorgeGlass t1_ja1yfej wrote
These are honestly my proudest downvotes ever. Get a grip folks. You live in NE. Ice and snow happen. It’s so soft to complain about it.
George_GeorgeGlass t1_ja1ynmj wrote
And see above
George_GeorgeGlass t1_ja1yzkz wrote
So, you’re not showing me anytbing I don’t know here as a native of snow and ice. Are you expecting to somehow educate with me via YouTube? I don’t have a lot of regard for those who cite YouTube videos during debate. Might as well cite Wikipedia while you’re at it.
Sincerely can’t believe you used YouTube as evidence or a citation.
Beantowncrash t1_j9texva wrote
I think car makers should put sensors in cars that prevent the horn from working if the snow isn't cleared off. Or makes the horn beep like a car alarm if the snow isn't cleared off and you are driving. But that is just me...