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letsgetdissonant t1_j96te56 wrote

This is the answer- Clear Flour is the best bakery in the state of Massachusetts- probably New England


Shemsuni t1_j96vtmq wrote

Yeah ok


jtet93 t1_j97sesq wrote

Where do you suggest that’s better lmao. I’ll believe it when I see it


Shemsuni t1_j97sj9f wrote



jtet93 t1_j97so2j wrote

Iggy’s is so overhyped. Sorry for the hot take. Between those two, clear flour by a mile.


Shemsuni t1_j97tjjs wrote

We are talking about best croissants. I stand by Iggy’s plain and almond croissants. They remind me of Paris.


jtet93 t1_j97tqog wrote

K, fair enough. I haven’t tried their croissants so can’t comment. I gathered that you were referring to the bakery as a whole because you replied to a comment naming CF as the best bakery. I will have to try a croissant from Iggy’s next time I’m out that way.