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xearlsweatx t1_j8o68i1 wrote

What I really think is people on here from closer to the city kind of see these people as lesser, and therefore are just jumping at the chance to shit on them. You can and should disagree with them if you feel like they’re wrong, but they’re not worse people because they want to take a different approach.


RailRoad_Candy t1_j8o7rna wrote

It's called fascism. What you're encountering now is called fascism. It's like a cult only its...well, no, it's pretty much a cult.


[deleted] t1_j8robay wrote



RailRoad_Candy t1_j8rsh4z wrote

I don't like it when people put words in my mouth. How you even extrapolated that I'll never know, it seems like your primary focus was to assign/find a victim as quickly as possible. Weird.

Let me help you. No the suburban residents aren't the victims. The victims are those bigots in Boston who believe that their actions and words, based off of bad information, is correct simply because they all think it. They're all equally ignorant, they're all equally trapped.

But hey, jumping to conclusions works too. Oh wait, we're right back where we started.